- clamored for tax reforms. 呼喊税收改革
- There was a great agitation for tax reform in this city last year. 去年该城人们大肆鼓动进行税收改革。
- The finial section briefly summarizes the empirical study’s findings and puts forward some policy proposals for tax reform in China. 本文最后一部分简要总结了实证分析的基本结论并提出我国税制改革的政策建议。
- The workers clamored for higher wages. 工人们吵着要求提高工资。
- He was scourged for tax evasion. 他因逃税受到严惩。
- The tax reform was met with unanimous applause. 税制改革得到众口一词的称赞。
- The clamor for her resignation grew louder. 要求她辞职的呼声越来越大。
- We had to incorporate for a company for tax reasons. 鉴于税务原因,我们得组成公司。
- Do we clamor for attention and achievement? 我们是否想引人注目,功成名就?
- They made a clamor for reform. 他们强烈要求改革。
- The issue of tax reform became a political football. 税制改革这一问题成为备受人们争论的话题
- The crowd clamored for the umpire to change his decision. 群众大声要求裁判改变判决。
- They were very defensive about their party's record on tax reform. 他们为他们的党在税制改革问题上的记录百般袒护。
- At the very hour of dinner, when I stomach clamored for food. 某日正当进餐时分,我饥肠辘辘,步履却为一书所止。
- The main plank in his election campaign is tax reform. 他竞选运动的主要政纲是税制改革。
- This newspaper gave a completely different slant on the tax reform. 这家报纸对税制改革持有完全不同的看法。
- The starving crowd are clamoring for food. 饥饿的人群吵著要食物。
- She is one of the strongest opponents of tax reform. 她是税收改革最强烈的反对者之一。
- They were domiciled abroad for tax purposes. 因税务的原因他们定居国外。
- If your income is$2,386.46, it will be rounded down to$2,386 for tax purposes. 如果你的收入是2,386。46美元,为收税的方便,就将尾数舍去成2,386美元整数。