- During the National Civil Virtues Month, all the cities must clean up, and banish disarray and discourtesy. 全国文明礼貌月中;所有城市必须搞好卫生;清除混乱和不礼貌现象.
- The great virtue of air travel is speed. 乘飞机旅行的最大优点是速度快。
- Fidelity to engagement is a virtue. 信守诺言是一种美德。
- My neighbor is a man of highest virtue. 我的邻居是一个具有高尚品德的人。
- "Patience is a virtue" is an old saying. "忍耐是美德"是句古老的谚语。
- Be he a civil engineer or an electrical engineer? 他是土木工程师还是电气工程师?
- He claimed a pension by virtue of his long illness. 由於长期生病,他申请救助金。
- He filed for a civil service job. 他申请公务员的工作。
- Virtue will prevail against evil. 美德定将战胜邪恶。
- He claimed a pension in virtue of his long illness. 由于长期生病,他申请救助金。
- Civil law is different to criminal law. 民法与刑法是不同的。
- Meekness is a virtue he appreciates in his wife. 温顺是他所欣赏的妻子的优点之一。
- She is the very mirror of virtue. 她是贞洁的典范。
- Love is the touchstone of virtue. 爱情是美德的试金石。
- Many soldiers went under in the Civil War. 许多士兵在内战中阵亡。
- Virtue is a jewel of great price. [谚]美德是无价之宝。
- She hopes to get a place in the Civil Service. 她希望获得一份公职。
- Virtue is fairer far than beauty. [谚]美德远胜于美貌。
- Give up a claim in a civil action. 在民事诉讼中放弃一种要求权。
- The newspaper ads plump the virtue of the new model. 报纸广告大力宣传新型号的优点。