- Taxpayer: A person who doesn't have to take a civil service examination to work for the government. 纳税人:不用参加公务员资格考试而为政府工作的人。
- He passed the provincial civil service examination under the old Chinese examination system when he was 25. 他25岁时通过了旧中国的官员考试,中举了。
- There's a saying that the greatest joy of life is either to spend the first night in the nuptial chamber or to pass a civil service examination. 所谓:‘洞房花烛夜,金榜挂名时’。 你也知道这两句话底意思么? 这是人生底最快乐的两件事呀!
- Often cocculus tunbergii pledge school besides Cornell, in doctor supplies on basic does not succeed in the imperial civil service examination system. 常青藤盟校除了康奈尔外,在博士供应上基本都不登榜。
- New season Wedd returns, the Miami people also obtained person who placed second in the imperial civil service examination Xiu Beesley, the strength had the rise. 新赛季韦德回归,迈阿密人还得到了榜眼秀比斯利,实力有所回升。
- As an important aspect of the imperial civil service examination, "Cewen" not only has the value of electing talented persons, but also has intense relationship with current politics. 摘要“殿试策问”作为科举考试的一个重要环节,不仅具有衡才选士的价值,更具有很强的时政性。
- These men had earned academic degrees (such as xiucai, juren, or jinshi) by passing rigorous civil service examinations. 这些人曾通过了严格的国家公务员考试而有一定的学历(如秀才、举人、进士)。
- Private and public Confucian Academies sprung up across China, where families sent their sons to study for the civil service examinations. 私人或官办的儒学教育机构(学宫)遍布全国,许多年轻人在其中读书求学,为通过各级科举考试而努力.
- After failing the civil service examinations several times, however, he chose the path of painting, calligraphy, and gardening in reclusion.Mt. 然而几次考试都没有考上,于是选择书画和园艺生涯,另外走出一条路来。
- To flunk the civil service examination 暴肋龙门
- Was he motivated by his personal inclination while learning to write stereotyped essays and poems prescribed for the imperial civil service examinations? 作八股文,作试贴诗,莫非也是趣味么?
- fever of taking civil service examination 公务员热
- civil service examination and hiring system 公务员考录
- The civil service examination of Ming Dynasty 明代科举
- Imperial civil service examination system 科举制
- He filed for a civil service job. 他申请公务员的工作。
- civil service examination system 科举制度
- the imperial civil service examination 科举
- She hopes to get a place in the Civil Service. 她希望获得一份公职。
- the imperial civil service examination system 科举制