- city residential community 城市居住区
- A city of western California southeast of Oakland. It is a residential community with some manufacturing. Population,53, 762. 联盟城加利福尼亚西面的一个城市,在奥克兰港市的东南。是具有某些制造业的居住社区。人口53,762
- Chandler:a city of south-central arizona southeast of Phoenix. It is a residential community and winter resort. 钱德勒:美国亚利桑那州中南部一城市;位于菲尼克斯东南.;为一居住社区和冬季度假胜地
- A city of south-central Arizona southeast of Phoenix. It is a residential community and winter resort. Population,90, 533. 钱德勒美国亚利桑那州中南部一城市,位于菲尼克斯东南。为一居住社区和冬季度假胜地。人口90,533
- The nerd is a sniper who hides himself in a residential community. 因为一起人质挟持事件,让所有线路捲入其中,究竟谁是狙击手?
- A city of western California north-northwest of San Francisco. It is a residential community with varied light industries. Population,48, 404. 圣拉斐尔美国加利福尼亚西部一城市,位于圣弗朗西斯科西北偏北方,为有多种轻工业的住宅区。人口48,404
- A city of western California northwest of San Jose. It is a residential community with an electronics industry. Population,55, 900. 帕洛阿尔托美国加利福尼亚西部的城市,在圣何塞西北。是有电子工业的居住区。人口55,900
- A city of west-central Washington on Lake Washington northeast of Seattle. It is a residential community with some light industry. Population, 40,052. 柯克兰:华盛顿州中西部一城市,位于华盛顿湖边西雅图东北,它是一个带有若干轻工业的居民社区。人口40,052
- A city of southern California north of Anaheim. It is a residential community with varied light industries. Population, 32,873. 贝瑞阿:美国加利福尼亚州南部一城市,位于阿拉罕以北。是一个拥有各种轻工业的住宅区。人口32,873
- Waterscape is the most attractive design element for landscape environment in city residential areas. 摘要水景设计是当代城市住区景观环境中最具吸引力的设计元素。
- Northbound side of 100 metres at Dongzhimen peace Metro is a strong center city property under one of the representative works of the residential community. 位于东直门小街桥北100米的和平新城,是强佑地产旗下城市精品住宅社区的代表作之一。
- For example Rennes city residential buildings, the city should consider diversification characteristics. 比如雷恩市的民居建筑,要考虑城市的多元化特点。
- Santa Monica:A city of southern California on the Pacific Ocean west of Los Angeles. It is a resort and residential community with varied light industries. Population, 86,905. 圣莫尼卡:美国加利福尼亚南部一城市,位于太平洋沿岸,洛杉矶西部,是一个度假胜地和住宅区,发展有多种轻工业。人口86,905
- Wuqiang County in Hebei Hengshui the Old City residential village next to an old Wai packed with people. 河北衡水武强县旧城村的一栋旧民居旁围满了人。
- Holiday Plaza Hotel is located in Cebu City residential areas adjacent to the rich Entebbe.Yusimi it. 位置 假日广场饭店坐落在宿务城市中心的住宅区内,邻近富恩特.;奥斯米那。
- A city of southern California on the Pacific Ocean west of Los Angeles. It is a resort and residential community with varied light industries. Population, 86,905. 圣莫尼卡:美国加利福尼亚南部一城市,位于太平洋沿岸,洛杉矶西部,是一个度假胜地和住宅区,发展有多种轻产业。人口86,905
- With Shanghai to the center city residential development, Jiading District property buyers become increasingly concerned about the region. 随着上海住宅向中心城外拓展,嘉定区成为越来越多购房者关注的区域。
- The real restate projects of “Chocolate City” and “Huan Xing Residential Community”, which were developed by our company, also won the title of “Consumer Trust Housing”. 而公司开发的“巧克力城”和“幻星家园”项目也荣获了北京市消费者协会颁发的“消费者放心房”称号。
- A residential community whose inhabitants commute to a nearby metropolis for employment and recreation. 郊外住宅区在市区内工作者的郊外住宅区
- Yanji property company manages an old city residential areas, parking needs to be property companies in the areas of planning decisions temporary parking areas. 延吉物业公司管理着本市某一老式住宅小区,应停车需要,物业公司决定在小区内规划临时停车区域。