- Qingdao City Commercial Bank Co. 中国青岛市商业银行。
- Among them are Hangyang Company, Hangzhou Tower and Hangzhou City Commercial Bank, which all record an annual profit of more than 100 million yuan. 其中杭氧、杭州大厦、杭州市商业银行,年利润都突破了1亿元。
- Eventually, it analyses the application of CRM based on DM in a certain City Commercial Bank, which argues the theoretic result of this research. 最后,以实际案例为背景分析了基于数据挖掘的CRM在我国某城市商业银行的应用,论证了本文的理论研究成果。
- Which Is the Successful Way of City Commercial Banks? 城市商业银行出路何在?
- In order to inspect Theory-W, we have applied it in the Credit Management Information System of the city commercial bank. 为了检验“W理论”,我们将其在城市商业银行信贷管理信息系统建设中进行了实际应用。
- Changsha City Commercial Bank to launch small and medium enterprises specialized in the near future, "UNPROFOR" trying to loans, with credit for the mutual insurance companies to provide loans. 长沙市商业银行近期专门推出中小企业“联保”贷款尝试,凭借信用互保为企业提供贷款。
- Cathay United, Taiwan Cooperative Bank and Chinatrust Commercial Bank are said to be interested in Fuzhou City Commercial Bank, another larger city in Fujian province across the strait. 国泰世华,合作金库银行和中国信托商业银行据说对福州市商业银行,另外一家福建省内较大的城市银行,十分感兴趣。
- Bengbu housing savings banks have been transformed, joining the ranks of city commercial banks. 蚌埠住房储蓄银行也摇身一变,加入城市商业银行的队伍。
- The dissertation discussed about the actuality, problems and resolvent in the legal person corporate governance structure of the city commercial banks. 本文讨论城市商业银行的内部治理结构的现状、问题根源及解决方法。
- In addition to the five major state-owned banks, China now has about a dozen stockholding lenders and more than 100 city commercial banks. 除了五个国有的大银行外,中国现在有约12个上市的银行和超过100个城市商业性银行。
- Baotou City Commercial Bank BTCB 包头市商业银行股份有限公司
- On the Future of Jinan City Commercial Bank 城市商业银行国际化问题初探
- Actually these city commercial banks face the sharpest competition as they have feebler strength, much more difficulties at spreading out new operation and much lower credit. 就国内银行而言,除四大国有独资商业银行、新兴股份制商业银行外,还有110余家地方城市商业银行也得面对这种激烈的竞争。
- The most obvious is the decline in Zhanjiang City Commercial Bank, DBS Bank, Bank of East Asia, HSBC, Citibank and several other foreign banks also ranked varying degrees of decline. 而下降最为明显的是湛江市商业银行,星展银行、东亚银行、花旗银行和汇丰银行等多家外资银行的排名也出现了不同程度的下滑。
- The change of domicile of a city commercial bank or urban credit cooperatives joint-stock limited company shall be subject to the acceptance, examination and decision of the banking regulatory bureau. 城市商业银行、城市信用社股份有限公司、城市信用合作社变更住所,由银监局受理、审查并决定。
- He once worked as porter in a commercial bank. 他曾在一家商业银行当杂务工。
- Recently, City commercial banks pushed the step of innovation, dealt with problem assets, improved assets'quality, enhanced profitable ability and perfected corporation administration and internal control system. 近年来,我国城市商业银行大力加快改革步伐,清收和置换不良资产,资产质量进一步提高,经营状况继续好转,盈利能力增强,公司治理和内控制度进一步完善,市场份额不断增大,综合实力有所增强。
- Confronted with the operational pressures brought by the market reorganization, city commercial banks must carry out operational innovations to strive for a goo d medium-term prospect. 城市商业银行面临着因市场重组带来的空前的经营压力,为了争取未来中期发展的良好前景,必须施行经营创新。
- City Commercial Bank's Operation Boundary and Decisions 城市商业银行的经营边界与边界决策
- The subbranch of Huhehaote City Commercial Bank around the city 呼和浩特市商业银行环城支行