- Citizen participation is the principle of new public administration, adapted the demand of the modern city development. 公众参与是城市治理的内在要求,是城市治理过程中的特定阶段和形式:公众参与体现了新公共管理的理念,适应了现代城市发展的需要。
- The consensus-building in the policy argumentation is a methodological issue for citizen participation. 政策论证过程中的共识构建是公民参与中的一个方法论难题。
- So we expect the enaction and enforcement of the law of citizen participation and the law of administrative procedure. 其次,从理论和实践两个方面论证了将“无过错原则”作为公有公共设施致害的国家赔偿责任归责原则的合理性;
- Congress has passed numerous laws that require citizen participation in federally funded programs at the state and local levels. 国家通过许多法律,要求公民在州一级和地方一级参加由联邦提供资金的计划。
- The line is one measure of poverty, and equity, efficiency and citizen participation should be applied to evaluate its effect. 最低生活保障线可以视为一种贫困线,公平、效率和公众参与是评价其优劣的重要标准。
- Alfred Tat-kei ho &Paul Coates,Citizen Participation:Legitimizing Performance Measurement as a Decision Tool,Government Financial Review,April 2002. 李图强.;现代公共行政中的公民参与[M]
- As a footstone of public policy, citizen participation ensures democratization, legalization of public policy-making availably. 公民参与作为公共政策的基石, 有效地保证了公共政策制定的民主化、法制化。
- In theory, service-oriented government exactly requet the citizen participation in the government performance evaluation. 从理论上讲,公众参与政府绩效评估正是我国当前建设服务型政府的内在要求。
- It means that the importance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can enrich the process of decision-making for citizen participation. 然而,近年电子治理的提出,众人期待实现审慎思辨的民主,显现运用资讯通信科技让更多公民参与决策过程的重要性。
- However, institutions of metropolitan governance are rare, and when they exist they are highly centralized, with little citizen participation. 无论如何,大城市的政府管治是缺乏的,当它存在时,又是高度集权的,几乎没有市民可以参与。
- Connect citizens and government and encourage citizen participation. 沟通市民和政府,鼓励市民参与。
- But it was certainly the case with Ms.Bachelet, a former Chilean exile and political prisoner who promised changes that included more citizen participation. 但是的确符合巴契雷特的情况,她曾流亡海外,也是政治犯,承诺改革,包括扩大公民参与。
- We will modify this model and use it into China's unitarianism and explore the relative effects of local government competition on changes of central authority's policies and citizen participation. 我们将该模型加以修正,应用到中国的单一制环境下,并探讨地方政府竞争对于中央政策变迁及其公民参与的相关影响。
- Citizen participation in public policy making is the essential way to guarantee citizen right, which will contribute to the scientization of policy and democratization of politics. 公民参与公共政策的制定是保证公民参与权的根本途径。公共政策制定中有了公民参与才能确保决策的科学化、政治的民主化。
- The citizen participation in the community policy need to carry on under government's guidance, so it should be the foreword, effective, rational and promote fair value of community policy. 公民参与公共政策需要在政府的引导下进行,应做到有序、有效、理性和提升公共政策的公平价值。
- But in the course of the citizen participating in the public management, there are "efficiency" and "response" predicament. 但在公共管理中公民参与的实际操作过程中,存在着“效率”与“回应”的两难处境。
- Participation in tender is in our line of business. 参加投标属于我们的业务范围。
- Every citizen should be obedient to the law. 每个公民都应当是遵守法律的。
- As to the flaws of the citizens participation on the course of government administration,extremely urgency is to probe the way which overcomes these flaws. 针对现实中我国政府治理过程中公民参与存在的缺陷,当务之急就是要探寻能够克服这些缺陷的途径。
- Heavy taxes indispose a citizen to work hard. 重税于国民不愿意辛勤工作。