- circumscribed pyocephalus [医] 局限性脑室积脓
- She hungered for some contact outside her own circumscribed world. 她渴望跳出自己的小圈圈与外界有所接触。
- The patient's activities are circumscribed. 那个病人的行动是受限制的。
- Their activities were severely circumscribed. 他们的活动受到严格限制。
- The hexagon circumscribed the square. 六角形外接正方形。
- His illness circumscribed his activities. 疾病限制了他的行动
- The square is circumscribed by the circle. 那广场被围成圆圈
- The prisoner's activity is circumscribed. 囚犯的活动受到限制。
- Note how well circumscribed it is. 注意分界清楚。
- He is right that American power is circumscribed. 他正确地判定美国的权力已经受到限制。
- Circumscribed and detached in outlook and experience; narrow or provincial. 思想狭隘的眼界和经验受限制和孤立的; 狭窄得或见解偏狭得
- It is a circle that is circumscribed around a square. 那是一个正方形的外接圆。
- Peptic ulcer is a sharply circumscribed loss of tissue. 消化性溃疡是一种界限清楚的组织损毁。
- The power of the monarchy was circumscribed by the new law. 君主统治的权力受到了新法律的制约。
- Circumscribed lesions may be treated by complete excision. 界限明显的病变可通过完全切除来治疗。
- His activities have been severely circumscribed since his illness. 自生病以来他的行动一直受到严格的限制。
- Naturally, such freedoms have their carefully circumscribed limits. 当然,这种自由有仔细划定的界限。
- The more circumscribed became her state, the more entrancing seemed this other. 这一切逐步地发展着,赫斯渥也开始考虑啤酒店的前景来。
- By the sixth walk, the rambles and scrambles are sharply circumscribed. 到了第六次散步时,散步范围已大受限制。
- The mammogram revealed a dense, lobulated mass with a circumscribed margin. 肿瘤的乳房摄影皆呈现致密、分叶状及边缘界限明显。