- circulus venosus hovii 虹膜静脉环
- Circulus venosus of base of nipple 乳头基底静脉环
- circulus venosus 脉环
- circulus venosus Halleri [医] 乳晕静脉环
- circulus venosus Ridleyi [医] 蝶鞍静脉环
- It's a circulus viciosus, which one must force some way out of. 这是一个要费劲才能冲出去的魔力圈。”
- Other types are primum defects and sinus venosus defects. 其他的类型包括原发性缺陷和静脉窦缺陷;
- In all cases, TEE could visualize partial anomalous pul-monary venous return associated with sinus venosus ASD. 且所有的TEE检查的病例,能清晰地观察到与静脉窦型ASD相关的部分肺静脉异位引流。
- Role of Ductus Venosus Doppler study in the prediction, diagnosis and monitoring of IUGR: Is it useful? When to use it? How to use it? 静脉导管多普勒研究对预测、诊断和监测IUGR的作用:是否有用?什么时候应用?如何应用?
- In Urumqi, wasps can live through the severe winter within the hosts overwintering in the soil.H. circulus (Walker) is a rare species. 西伯利亚离颚茧蜂在寒冷的乌鲁木齐可在不加温温室土中越冬。
- After a series of examinations, sinus venosus type atrial septal defect (ASD) associated with partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection to high superior vena cava (SVC) and persistent left SVC was documented. 静脉窦型心房中膈缺损并部份肺静脉回流异常注入高位上腔静脉及左侧上腔静脉方被发现,随即进行外科矫治手术,住院病程平稳,术后1田固月,病况逐渐改善。
- Methods 17 patients with plexus venosus leg muscle thrombosis were examined by high-frequency ultrasonography,and their therapeutic effect was observed.After a period of clinical treatment. 方法对17例小腿肌间静脉丛血栓患者行高频率超声检查,并进行疗效观察。
- Results There was no eyeball distortion or retinal detachment,and the structure of retina,iris,ciliary body,sinus venosus sclerae and cornea fixed in the fixative solution were clear and intact. 虹膜、睫状体、巩膜静脉窦和角膜等组织结构清楚。
- plexus venosus canalis hypoglossi [医] 舌下神经管静脉丛
- plexus venosus caroticus internus [医] 颈内动脉静脉丛
- plexus venosus vertebralis externus posterior 椎外后静脉丛
- plexus venosus vertebralis internus anterior 椎内前静脉丛
- plexus venosus vertebralis internus posterior 椎内后静脉丛
- Lesser circulus arteriosus of iris 虹膜动脉小环
- arcus venosus palmaris profundus 掌深静脉弓