- circulating quantity of money 流通货币量
- Due to malpractice a large quantity of money was wasted. 由于玩忽职守,浪费了大量财力。
- The bank was unwilling to loan him that quantity of money. 那家银行不肯贷那么多款给他。
- A drink machine: you input a quantity of money and a drink selection, and the machine outputs a drink and your change. 一个饮料机:你放入一定数量的钱和一个饮料的选择,机器输出饮料和你的零钱。
- When the government reduces the quantity of money, for instance, it reduces the amount that people spend. 举个例,当政府降低货币的发行量,也就降低了人们费用使用的总额。
- It is the exclusive standard to valuate someone's success, based on the quantity of money made by himself. 挣钱的多少并不是衡量一个人成功的唯一标准。
- Multiply the quantity of money n times, in short, and you must multiply the prices of goods n times. 总之,将货币数量乘以几倍,也就等于将商品的价格乘上了几倍。
- "Success" in United States society is often measured by the amount of money or quantity of material goods a person is able to accumulate. 在美国这个社会里,往往以一个所能积聚的财产多寡来衡量他是否“成功”。
- Money supply: the quantity of money available in the economy monetary policy: the setting of the money supply by policymakers in the central bank. 联邦储备委员会或中央银行的两个职责:一、管理各个银行,并确保银行系统的运转健康;二、控制整个经济体中可用货币的数量,即货币供应。
- If, then, V is constant, prices will change in the same proportion as the quantity of money provided that ep(=Ddp/pdD) is unity. 那么,如果V是个常数,则只要ep(=Ddp/pdD),价格就和货币数量同比例变动。如果e。
- Judged by the function of money, contradiction of the quality and quantity of money displays the infinity in the quality and the finiteness in the quantity. 从金钱的功用上看,金钱的质与量的矛盾又表现为质上的无限性和量上的有限性。
- He personifies the worship of money. 他是拜金的化身。
- A quantity of unknown numerical value. 未知数数值不明的一个数量
- I had to spend a large sum of money to get it back. 我得花一大笔钱才把它弄回来。
- It takes a lot of money to buy a house. 买一所房子要花一大笔钱。
- They spent quantities of money on building a huge bridge. 他们用巨资建造了一座巨大的桥。
- A year in America will cost you no end of money. 在美国住一年要花很多的钱。
- He has earned a lot of money in this month. 这个月他已经赚了好多钱了。
- As I had plenty of money I was able to help her. 我钱很宽裕,能帮助她。
- Since this last expression gives us the proportionate change in prices in response to a change in the quantity of money, it can be regarded as a generalised statement of the Quantity Theory of Money. 由于上面最后的公式告诉我们,价格反应于货币数量改变的成比例的变动。所以,它可以被认为是货币数量论的一个一般的表述。