- circulated aeration tank 循环曝气池
- The defaults of the combined aeration tank are that the treating amount can not reach the design demand and the ability of the lashproof is weak, etc. 合建式曝气池存在着处理量达不到设计要求,抗冲击能力差等问题。
- In the wastewater treatment plant, the bulking can be controlled effectively by reducing the MLSS in the aeration tank or alternative cont... 对此提出采用减小曝气池污泥浓度或单池连续运行以提高负荷和鼓风机进风口空气加热提高曝气池水温的方法,可使膨胀得到有效控制。
- The active sludge seniment accumulated in the setting tank is to be returned to the aeration tank for reproduction of aerobe medium and retreating. 在接触氧化室内挂有软性填料,充作生物膜,有机物得到进一步消解,在沉淀柜内累积的活性污泥沉淀物再被返送至曝气柜作为菌种繁殖和再处理。
- The cause of sulfide sludge bulking produced by high concentration industrial waste-water with sulfate in aerobic aeration tank was analyzed. 对含硫酸根的高浓度工业废水在好氧曝气池中产生高硫化物型污泥膨胀的原因进行了分析。
- Opercularia coarctata had a significant negative correlation with DO, so this species indicated a lack of dissolved oxygen in the aeration tank. 集盖虫与DO呈非常显著的负相关,可作为低DO的指示生物。
- Combined with submerged biofilm process,ozone was used as cell lysis agent to treat excess sludge,then the ozonated supernatant was returned to the aeration tank. 采用臭氧作为剩余污泥的细胞裂解剂,并与淹没式生物膜工艺相结合进行污泥减量的实验研究,臭氧化后的污泥上清液回流入曝气池与污水合并处理。
- Six Gram(+) superiority bacteria were isolated from the active sludge of the Aeration Tank and from the outlet water of wastewater treatment process of coking-plants. 从焦化厂曝气池活性污泥和废水处理工艺出水中筛选出6株革兰氏阳性优势菌;根据菌株、菌落形态和大量生化实验将菌株鉴定到属.
- These strains include five Genus, such as Pseudomonas, Micrococcus, Zoogloea, etc, of which seven strains come from aeration tank, others come from sedimentation tank. 其中7种菌株来源于曝气池,5种菌株来源于沉淀池,分别属于假单孢菌属、微球菌属、动胶菌属等5个细菌属。
- Baulls was the majority in aerating tank,deposit tank and outlet. 共分离出45株菌,分别属于14个属。
- Thestudy showed that the relation between the oxygen transfer coeffcient and theoxygen uptake rate per dried weight of the mixed liquid in the aeration tank isa1so accord with the Langmuir Adsorption Isotherm. 研究发现混合液中单位干重固体的氧吸收速率与氧传质系数增大率之间的关系符合 Langmuir吸附等温式。
- The partially granulated sludge in bio-ferric process has good sedimentation effect, which can provide the returned sludge with higher concentration, and thus increasing the sludge concentration in aeration tank. 部分颗粒化的生物铁污泥沉降效果好,能保证系统有较高浓度的回流污泥,从而提高了曝气池的污泥浓度。
- Regulation of DO and pH value of the aeration tank,using a homogeneous adjusting tank and controlling its level,properly adding a nutrient salt are the main measures for controlling the floating upward of the activated sludge. 控制活性污泥上浮的主要措施有 :调节曝气池的DO、pH值 ,采用均质调节池并控制进水水质及液位 ,合理投加营养盐等
- Supposing the area of fishpond is 1000m2 and 0.8m deep, the volume of aeration tank and sedimentation tank, time of aeration, quantity of atmosphere needed, quantity of increased sludge were caculated. 取封闭式循环水鱼类养殖水面1000mZ,水深按0.;8m,进水BODS浓度So设为55m留L,出水BODS浓度Se为4m妙的设计计算了曝气池容积、曝气时间、曝气所需空气量、污泥增长量及二次沉淀池容积。
- This paper introduces the corrosion mechanism and test method of steel-reinforced concrete citing the anticorrosion engineering of seawater desulfidation aeration tank in power plant, focusing on the organic coatings design and application methods. 以发电厂海水脱硫曝气池内防腐工程为例对钢筋混凝土建筑物的腐蚀机理和腐蚀检测方法作了介绍,并就曝气池表面涂装有机涂层的设计及施工方法作了重点探讨。
- The experimental results indicated that the more the compartment number of aeration tank,the more powerful the driving force of biological reaction,and the higher the treat- ment efficiency and the limiting organic load. 试验结果表明,曝气池的分格数越多,其生化反应推动力越大,处理效率与极限有机负荷也越高;
- Based on the formula for computing volume of plug--flow aeration tank, which hasbeen derived before, the microorganism dynamic factors and operation factors influenc-ing the volume of plug--flow aeration tank are analyzed. 本文根据推流式曝气池池容公式,分析了微生物动力学因素和运行因素对推流式曝气池池容的影响,并比较了它们对池容影响程度的大小。
- Studying the distribution of oxygen demand over the aeration tank a design concept of sectional control of the DO concentration was proposed on the basis of oxygen transfer in wastewater. 本文通过对曝气池需氧量及其分布规律的探讨,运用传氧理论提出了分段控制曝气池溶解氧浓度的设计概念。
- The aeration tank can be partition into some air and liquid osculant phases.Air and liquid flow in the same direction, the aeration tank will supply oxygen by automatic pressure control. 曝气池分为若干气液接触段,气体和液体同向流过,曝气池通过压力自动控制设施进行供气控制。
- The news of her death circulated quickly. 她死去的消息迅速传开。