- A newspaper circulates among the general populace. 报纸广售于一般大众之间。
- Photocopy and circulate among group members, in supportive shops and other places. 然后在团体成员中影印并传播材料,或是支持的商店乃至其它地方。
- The hostess circulated among her guests. 女主人周旋于宾客之间。
- The story circulates among the people. 这个故事在人民中流传。
- And the Money will circulate among ourselves, the Goods being entirely of our own Growth and Manufacture. 而且这笔钱将在我们之间流通,货品也完全由我们自产自制。
- Rumors began to circulate among the local people that the capital city had been conquered. 在当地人中开始流传这样的谣言,说是首都城市被攻陷了。
- This book has been widely circulated among boys. 这本书在男孩子中间广为流传。
- This book has been widely circulated among boys . 这本书在男孩子中间广为流传。
- The story circulates among the people . 这个故事在人民中流传。
- This letter is circulating among the faculty. 这封信在全体教员中传递。
- He circulated among the guests at the party. 他在宴会周旋于客人之间。
- "He thought it would just circulate among friends, but it quickly seemed to morph. 爱丁堡艺术学院当代艺术理论高级讲师尼尔。
- This journal is widely circulated among teenagers. 这杂志在十来岁的少男少女中行销甚广。
- On the day before Ghost Festival, when homeless spirits circulate among and bedevil the living, little flotillas are dispatched to meet the souls of those lost at sea. 大甲镇澜宫在中元节前一天,派著大、小船队去接待水中的好兄弟,下图小船内放有银钱,与放水灯意义相近。
- Swine influenza viruses may circulate among swine throughout the year, but most outbreaks occur during the late fall and winter months similar to outbreaks in humans. 猪流感病毒在全年都有可能传播,但大部分会在深秋和冬季月份爆发,这一点与人流感类似。
- Swine influenza viruses may circulate among swine throughout the year, but most outbreaks occur during the late fall and winter months similar to influenza outbreaks in humans. 该病毒多爆发于猪身上,秋冬季为多发期,全年可传播,类似流感。
- The document is being circulated among the committee members. 文件正在委员中传阅。
- It is known to circulate among pig populations since then.The H1N1 swine flu viruses are antigenically different from human H1N1 viruses and swine flu viruses do not normally infect humans. 猪只的甲型流感H1N1型跟人类的甲型流感H1N1型在抗原上是非常不同的,因此在一般情况下猪型流感是不会感染人类。
- The chapter titles will give you a sense of why I find it so fascinating: 'Get Out of the Office and Circulate Among the Troops,' 'Persuade Rather than Coerce,' 'Lead by Being Led. 看看这本书每个章节的标题,你就会知道为何我如此着迷,例如“走出办公室与员工打成一片”、“说服比强迫更有效”、“由被领导推动领导”等等。
- Please open a window to allow the air to circulate. 打开窗子让空气流通。