- circular closed support 环形支架
- All closed support tickets deleted successfully! 全部已关闭的支持问题成功删除!
- Orbital bombardment is the ultimate close support weapon. 地雷是机会均等的武器。
- Then the CME triggering model with concentrically circular closed magnetic field structure is taken to trigger CME between two streamers for research about CME propagating features near corona. 在两个冕流间采用具有同心圆磁场位形的触发模型触发CME事件;研究CME的日冕传播特征.
- We provide continual close support from the specification stage through to the mature application. 我们从计划部署阶段到后期应用阶段都提供不断的紧密支持。
- Assault guns provided close support as the panzergrenadiers stormed the heavily defended villages along the Psel. 突击炮支援装甲掷弹兵轰击普色尔河岸村庄的坚固防御。
- Unaware of the "Tiger trap" that had been set for him, Wittmann set off into the town, with one of his Tigers and the Panzer IV in close support. 魏特曼没有察觉到为他准备的“老虎套”,径直进入了镇子,只有1辆IV型坦克跟随着他。
- Heinz Guderian organized Panzers into self-contained Panzer Divisions working with the close support of infantry motorized infantry artillery and airforce. 海因茨古德里安把装甲车辆编织成了单独的装甲师,并且和支援步兵,摩托化步兵,炮兵和空军进行协同作战。
- This time vetting is more thorough, training lasts three weeks instead of one, pay is higher, and AP3 units are promised mentoring and close support by American forces. 这次将会进行更彻底的审查,并且对成员进行为期3周的培训,高薪酬会让AP3单位的指导更多是为了支持美国不对。
- The theatre has had to close for lack of support. 这家剧院光顾者寡只好关闭。
- We can compute the circular area with radius. 我们能用半径计算出圆的面积。
- The full moon has a circular form. 满月呈圆形。
- A vertical support at the center of a circular staircase. 螺旋楼梯中柱环行楼梯中间的垂直支撑
- I'm not satisfied with his circular explanation. 我不满意他拐弯抹角的解释。
- The full moon has a circular shape. 满月呈圆形。
- The organization issues a circular every month. 该组织每月发一份通告。
- Harrier close support attack plane [UK] 鹞式近距离支援攻击机[英国];
- Something of circular form; a circle or an orbit. 圆形物体圆形物体; 圆圈或环形轨道
- Multipurpose Close Support Weapon 多用途近距支援武器
- An instrument that measures circular arcs. 圆弧测定器一种用于测定圆弧的仪器