- circudar girder 环形梁
- A steel girder may warp in a fire. 钢梁遇火会变弯。
- The longitudinal girder forms part of the parapets. 纵梁成为栏杆的一部分。
- The girder is square in cross-section. 这个大梁的截面是方形的.
- Most often this involved a segment of a girder web. 大多数出现在主渠腹板部分。
- A test load was applied to the girder. 一个试验载荷作用于该梁上。
- The girder is braced against an erection bracket. 梁支撑在塔柱上的一个施工托架上。
- A steel girder may warpin a fire. 钢梁遇火会变弯。
- Sum up experiences in the production of box girder. 就制作箱形梁总结制作中经验及体会。
- The girder is braced against an erection bracket . 梁支撑在塔柱上的一个施工托架上。
- Manual single girder bridge crane is a crane. 手动单梁起重机是桥式起重机的一种。
- The girder was clinched into the wall. 大梁被钉牢在墙中。
- Lo River recorded that joist is used as the girder. 注:“桁,梁上所施也。”
- The cross girder center segments of the bents were field bolted. 构架横梁的中间段在工地用螺栓连接。
- Compatibility will require that the girder deflection at B be zero. 根据协调性的要求,梁在B点的挠度应为零。
- The main studying object is the transverse dolly of the box girder. 本论文主要研究的内容为:针对两侧箱梁横移车运动需要同步的要求,对箱梁横移车的推进液压系统及运动同步控制系统进行分析和设计。
- The restrainer should at least afford the weight of the girder. 防止落梁装置应具备承受梁体重量以上的承载能力。
- I saw with my own eyes a girder fall and crush him to death. 我眼瞅着一根大梁掉下来把他砸死了。
- In the tie girder boxes crack growth was detected near the crack tip. 在系杆箱型梁中裂纹尖端附近检测到裂纹的扩展。
- Obique bridge is made up of main girder crossbeam and bridge floorings. 斜交桥由相互斜交的主梁、梁及桥面板组成,结构受力复杂。