- circ cubspace [计] 广义圈子空间
- Other prudential requirements stipulated by CIRC. (三)中国保监会规定的其他审慎性条件。
- The work report shall follow the format prescribed by CIRC. 工作报告应当按中国保监会规定的格式填写。
- Other items required by CIRC and its local branch offices. (五)中国保监会及其派出机构认为需要检查的其他事项。
- Other circumstances specified by the CIRC and the SAFE. (三)中国保监会和国家外汇局规定的其他事项。
- The fundamental circ matrix is one example of a reduced circ matrix. 基本圈矩阵是简化广义圈矩阵的一个例子。
- The ring sum of two circs is a circ. 两个广义圈的环和是一个广义圈。
- The CIRC sample shows how to use ATL to make a simple ActiveX control. CIRC示例展示如何使用ATL来生成简单的ActiveX控件。
- Its solvency margin shall comply with relevant regulations specified by CIRC. 偿付能力额度符合中国保监会有关规定;
- Other requirements specified by the CIRC on the principle of prudence. (八)国保监会规定的其他审慎条件。
- We use script letter to avoid confusion with the incidence and circ matrices. 为了避免与关联矩阵和广义圈矩阵混淆,我们利用了草体字母。
- A circ is an undirected graph having only vertices of even nonzero degree. 一广义圈是一无向图,其顶点次数都是非零偶数。
- The CIRC shall notify the insurance company of the reasons for extension. 中国保监会应当将延长期限的理由告知保险公司。
- The CIRC shall notify the insurance company of the reasons for the extension. 中国保监会应当将延长期限的理由告知保险公司。
- The specific measures for rewarding shall be separately formulated by the CIRC. 具体奖励办法由中国保监会另行制定。
- The fundamental circuits relative to a spanning tree is a basis of the circ subspace. 与一生成树相关的基本圈是广义圈子空间的一个基底。
- The CIRC and its local offices shall complete the procedures of alteration within the legal time limit. 中国保监会及其派出机构应当在法定期限内,办理变更手续。
- The CIRC attributes sample shows how to use ATL to make a simple ActiveX control. CIRC属性示例展示如何使用ATL生成简单的ActiveX控件。
- This is the first branch license granted by CIRC to a foreign invested joint-venture life insurance company in China. 此乃中国保监会向中外合资寿险公司发出的首个分公司牌照。
- It has senior managerial personnel of the branch with the relevant qualifications specified by CIRC. 具有符合中国保监会规定任职资格条件的分支机构高级管理人员。