- Ci Poems of Song Dynasty 宋词
- Shengshengman is the best-known ci poem of Li Qingzhao, the most outstanding poetess of the Song dynasty. 摘要自古传称,词为诗余。诗求雅求韵,词又何尝不是。李清照说;“词别是一家”,也就是说,词在文学中是另一种学问。
- famous ci poem of Tang and Song dynasty 唐宋名家词
- Research on the Ci Poems of the Monks in Song Dynasty 宋代僧人词研究
- On the Artistic Style and Features of the Ci Poems Written by Jiangxi Adherents of Song Dynasty 宋元之际江西遗民词的艺术风貌
- On the Historical Characteristics of Rhyme Schemes in Ci Poems of the Song Dynasty 论宋词声韵的历史特征
- the Four Masters Poems of Song Dynasty 宋四名家诗
- Ci poems of the Song dynasty 宋词
- preface of selected and annotated poems of Song Dynasty 宋诗选注序言
- Source and Current Significance: Charm of 'Ci' Poems of the Tang and Song Dynasties 唐宋词的魅力来源与当代意义
- The influence of XIN Qi-ji, a great ci poet of Song Dynasty, is very extensive. 摘要辛弃疾作为宋词一位大家,影响深远。
- A Simple Analysis of the Characteristics of the Poems of Song Dynasty as Well as the Pity for the Creation 浅析宋诗特点及创作上的遗憾
- In the fourth chapter the author will discuss the influence of Geji and the art preference of Song Dynasty one the feminity cultural meaning of Ci. 第四章从宋代的歌妓文化,宋人在词中形象和心态的变化,以及宋人艺术审美的精细化、雅致化三方面来体现宋词“女性化”的文化意蕴。
- This paper edits eighty poems from relevant literature as a supplement to The Complete Poems of the Song Dynasty. 本文从《乐府雅词》、《永乐大典》以及宋人别集等文献中辑得晁补之、毛滂等人诗作共81首,作为对《全宋诗》的补遗。
- Moreover,a poem was inscribed by an emperor of Song Dynasty,called Song Ningzong. 然此图笔法、敷色之柔雅沉厚,意趣之清美艳丽,极富女性气质。
- A General Survey of Ci Poems on Objects of the Song Dynasty 宋代咏物词概览
- This treatise is about the jade statuary of Song Dynasty . 这是一篇关于宋代玉雕的文章。
- Ci poems which describe "things" in the Tang and Song Dynasty 唐宋咏物词
- This paper explores adverbs in poems of several representative poets in the Tang and Song Dynasty and argues that the reduplicated adverb can be divided into three categories. 摘要对唐宋两代几位有代表性诗人的诗歌副词进行考察,可将重叠式合成副词分为三类。
- This is the poem of praising Shangrao written by the South Song Dynasty patriotic poet Xin Qiji, is intoxicated in reading it. 这是南宋爱国词人辛弃疾赞美上饶的诗句,读来令人陶醉。