- ci poems eulogizing flowers 咏花词
- Grandpa gave me a collection of tunes of ci poems and I treasure it very much. 爷爷送给我一本词谱, 我非常爱惜。
- However, the Ci poems written by Shudan were the most convincing witness of the special historical period. 舒??的诗词创作是这一时期历史的最有力见证。
- Zheng Wen-zhuo was a ci writer of Changzhou School of Ci Poems, and he advocated innovation. 郑文焯是常州词派后期“变革型”的一位词人,他变革的其中一点就是学习姜夔的词。
- His ci poems accepted both the subject matter and the artistic style of Jiang Kui's ci poems. 其词无论从题材内容,还是艺术特色,均可见对姜夔词的接受之迹。
- As they two had a lot in common in their thought and artistic creation, there is a strong trace of Du Fu in Xin Qiji's ci poems. 在思想上和艺术上的诸多相通,使得辛弃疾的词中留下了浓重的老杜痕迹。
- On the Origin of Ci poems from the Angle of the Relationship among Quzi Ci Shengshi and Yanyue in Sui, Tang and the Five Dynasties. 从隋唐五代燕乐与曲子词、声诗的关系论词的起源。
- Shengshengman is the best-known ci poem of Li Qingzhao, the most outstanding poetess of the Song dynasty. 摘要自古传称,词为诗余。诗求雅求韵,词又何尝不是。李清照说;“词别是一家”,也就是说,词在文学中是另一种学问。
- The main style of SU Shi's Ci poems is the mixture of unrestrainedness and gracefulness, a style of clarity and grandeur. 摘要苏词主调是介于豪放和婉约之间的清雄风格。
- This paper emphasizes on discussion of Luyou's writing attitude, his unconstrained Ci poems, writing features and plum blossom poems. 本文从陆游作词的态度,对其中属于豪放一派的词作,写作特点及咏梅词重点作了讨论和阐述。
- When writing ci poems, we should follow the pattern and requirements of the name of the tunes to which ci poems are composed. 创作词时, 我们要依据词牌的格式和要求。
- Ci poems, originally lyrics written for songs, have more restrictions on the number of characters, lines as well as tonal styles and are therefore more complex and demanding. 词最初是为乐曲配写的歌词,所以字数、句数、平仄都因曲调的要求比诗更加复杂。
- It is been watched recently that the feature of region of Ci poem in Qing Dynasty,but not the Ningbo authors of Ci poem. 清词的地域性特色近年来深受关注,而清代四明词人的系统研究至今无人问津。
- Wu Wenying was featured by his special writing style of ci poems so that he was cried up in the late Southern Dynasty but this was not the case in Yuan and Ming Dynasties. 吴文英因其特殊的风格在词学史上独树一帜,南宋末年颇受推崇,元明却默默无闻,清代前中期梦窗词逐渐显现,至晚清吴文英则被推为至尊的地位。
- This thesis tries to clear the development clue of Ningbo Ci poem through the works from every period,to show the personality of the Ningbo literature in Qing Dynasty. 现试图通过对各个时期词人词作的梳理,整理出清代四明词较为清晰的发展脉络,张扬宁波文学的个性特色。
- The flowers send forth fragrance. 这些花散发出香味。
- Of course, the school songs in their early and middle periods were not professional music in the strict sense, as their tunes were specially selected from an existing corpus and were fitted to ci poems. 当然,早中期的学堂乐歌多是选曲填词,尚不属严格意义上的专业音乐创作;
- This essay analyses the capacity of implicating of Nalan's style of Ci and further the melancholic senses and notions in his Ci poems about frontier and those that depict material things. 本文将着重论证其词风的这种兼容性,并进一步分析其边塞词及咏物词所蕴含的哀愁意蕴。
- In conclusion, there is a conclusive evaluation to studies of Ci poems in Ming dynasty, so as to highlight the reasons of the actual declination inherent in its seemingly popularity. 结语部分,概括评价明代词学思想的价值,总结明代词学貌似繁盛,实则衰弊的原因。
- The poem showed great intensity of feeling. 这篇韵文表现出强烈的激情。