- To observe and explore the treatment outcome of ornidazole and triamcinolone combination in refractory chronic apical periodontitis. 摘要目的观察与探讨奥峭唑与曲安奈德联合应用治疗难治性慢性根尖周炎的疗效。
- In addition,45 teeth with chronic apical periodontitis were also divided into two groups,one was treated with CRD(25 teeth), the other was continually treatd with usualdrug. 另外还分析了45例龋源性慢性根尖周炎,痰管形成,常规封药1.;2次仍有症状,其中25例改用自制CRD材料治疗,20例继续常规治疗作对照。
- The older of the patient,the lower of the effectiveness.Conclusion:Filling the channel of chronic apical periodontic with the paste of spiramycin amel tinidazol can ch... 结论:替硝唑螺旋霉素药物糊剂根充治疗慢性根尖周炎缩短了疗程和患者的就诊次数,疗效可靠。
- Presence of 8 anaerobes in root canals of chronic apical periodontitis 慢性根尖周炎根管中8种厌氧菌检出分析
- SEM Evaluation of Periapical Biofilm on Chronic Apical Periodontitis 慢性根尖周炎根尖生物膜的扫描电镜观察
- Observation of efficacy on chronic apical periodontitis treated by improving root canal filling paste in one visit 改良根管糊剂一次法根充的疗效观察
- Treatment of chronic apical periodontitis teeth complicated by open apices with Vitapex in the adults Vitapex治疗成年患者根尖孔闭合不全并发慢性根尖周炎的疗效观察
- The Effect of Iodoform Paste Compound on Treatment of Chronic Apical Periodontitis 复方碘仿糊剂治疗慢性根尖周炎的疗效评价
- Analysis on curative effects of teeth with chronic apical periodontitis in elderly people 老年人慢性根尖周炎疗效分析
- Clinical Study on Chronic Apical Periodontitis with Single-visit Root Canal Treatment 慢性根尖周炎一次性根管治疗的临床疗效观察
- Keywords Bacteroides forsythus Infected root canal Chronic apical periodontitis PCR; 福赛斯拟杆菌;感染根管;慢性根尖周炎;PCR;
- chronic apical periodontal abscess 慢性[根]尖周脓肿
- Observation on therapeutic effect of iodine inactivating paste in 70 cases of root canal therapy for children with chronic apical periodontitis 小儿慢性根尖周炎应用碘灭糊剂根管治疗70例疗效观察
- Association Between Bacteroides forsythus in the Infected Root Canals and Clinical Symptoms of Chronic Apical Periodontitis 福赛斯拟杆菌在感染根管内定植及其与临床症状的关系
- Colonization relationship between Porphyromonas gingivalis and Bacteroides forsythus in the infected root canals with chronic apical periodontitis 慢性根尖周炎感染根管内牙龈卟啉单胞菌和福赛斯拟杆菌的定植
- chronic apical periodontitis 慢性根尖牙周炎
- It was an effective method to treat chronic pulpitis and apical periodontitis with less pain,high efficiency and short course. 因而得出结论:半导体激光具有消炎止痛、无毒性,可提高根管治疗的疗效,疗程短,是进行根管治疗的一种有效方法。
- Objective To research the therapeutic effect of metronidazole controlled release spike on acute/chronic apical periodontitis. 目的探讨甲硝唑控释药尖对根管治疗的疗效。
- Methods:Mycostatin was sealed in root canals in 76 cases with therapy-resistant apical periodontitis,and post-operation response was evaluated. 方法:76例根尖周病久治不愈的患者,采用制霉菌素根管内用药,观察封药后的反应。
- Conclusion: It is suggested that tetracycline-HCI is a local remedy for diseased root canal, dental pulp and apical periodontitis etc. 动物实验各期置入体及其周围组织中均可见四环素荧光染色像。结论:盐酸四环素可作为感染根管、牙髓、根尖周等疾病的局部治疗用药。