- chromospheric mottling 色球日芒
- A mottling or streaking that resembles marble. 一种类似于大理石纹的斑纹或条纹
- Semidouble white star/medium blue mottling. 半重瓣星型花,白色底,有中蓝色分布。
- Double white large star/bright red mottling. 重瓣大朵星型花,白色底,明亮红色晕染。
- He studied waters from five areas where mottling was endemic. 他研究有地方性牙病的五个地区的水。
- He studied waters from five areas where mottling was endemic . 他研究有地方性牙病的五个地区的水。
- Semidouble white large star/dark blue shaded mottling. 半重瓣白色大型星型花,深蓝色镶晕其中。
- Some degree of mottling occurs in more than 50% of all eggs. 有些情况下色斑蛋会超过50%25。
- Semidouble white pansy/purple two-tone frilled edge, variable purple mottling. 半重瓣堇型花,白色,深浅不一的紫色镶边,变异的深紫色晕染其中。
- Viral disease in solanaceous plants resulting in mottling and often shriveling of the leaves. 茄属类植物的一种病毒性疾病导致其皱纹。
- Crawling: Contraction to ink paper when it has not penetrated the surface .A cause for mottling. 墨蠕动:油墨末渗入纸内前的收缩情况。是引起斑的原因。
- The size of the brain lesions was varied, the appearances were punctiform, mottling, patching, ellipse and so on. 病灶大小不一,形态可为斑片状、斑点状、圆形、类圆形。
- The funduscopic examination showed diffuse mottling of the retinal pigmented epithelium. 眼底镜检显示视网膜色素上皮斑驳化。
- CT image showed acute hemorrhage and MRI showed mottling hemorrhage in various stage,its signal can persist in months. 而MRI可显示不同时期及斑点状出血,出血信号可持续数月。
- Mud and snow kicked up, mottling our trousers as we sped on at an insanely giddy pace. 泥雪被踢飞,溅在我们的裤子上,我们达到了一种令人晕眩的疯狂速度。
- Application:chloasma、butterfly mottling、pigmentation,solar dermatitis, and warts of the middle-and old-aged. 适用范围:黄褐斑、蝴蝶斑、色素沉着,日光性皮炎等。
- Normal individuals will cool the skin and may experience some skin mottling on cold exposure. 正常人遇冷后,皮肤将发凉,可有一些皮肤呈斑点状。
- It showed that there might be somerelationship between degree of virus disease and mottling ratio. 这说明病毒病的发生与褐斑率的高低可能有某种程度的关联。
- Entered the same resturant and sat beside, or sat under the same shade, enjoying the shining mottling? 在同一个餐馆出入,坐的是临桌?坐在同一片小树林下,感受阳光闪烁的斑影?
- However,more virus infection grade one plants handlower mottling seed ratio than grade three plants had. 但在褐斑率低的品种中,一级病害的发生率明显多于三级;