- chromosomal tubule 染色体纺锤丝微管
- Simple cuboidal epithelium lining a tubule (longitudinal cut). 管腔纵切面:单层立方上皮衬于管腔内。
- After that, he slowly ran warm water on her arm from a tubule. 然后接一根细管子从她手臂上不断地缓缓流出温水来。
- Like mRNA, both tRNA and rRNA are transcripts of chromosomal DNA. tRNA及rRNA同mrna一样,都是染色体DNA的转录产物。
- Aberrance of the Chromosomal in 20 patients(3.7% in 545 patients). 染色体变异共20例;占3.;7%25。
- All of 17 cases detected by CGH showed chromosomal aberrations. CGH技术检测的17例肺癌标本中均检出染色体畸变(扩增和/或缺失),而且每个病例涉及多条染色体畸变。
- The physician should also order chromosomal and hormonal studies. 还应该进行染色体和激素水平的检查。
- The distal end of the kinetochore tubule is firmly embedded in the pole. 着丝点微管的末端牢牢地埋入纺锤极。
- The function of renal tubule has important influence on bone metabolism. 肾小管功能对骨代谢有重要影响。
- chromosomal tubules 染色体微管
- Fanconi syndrome is a type of renal tubule disease found in Basenjis. 范可尼综合征是一种发现于贝吉生犬的肾小管疾病。
- The MSCs protect the renal tubule cells from apoptosis induced by cisplatin. 直接共培养较间接共培养肾小管上皮细胞数量增加更为明显。
- Chromosomal Structural Variation in Long-term Cultures Triticum aestivum L. 长期继代小麦培养细胞的染色体结构变异特征。
- Chromosomal arms 5AL, 4BL, 6BS, 7BL and 7DL carry genes for LSS character. (2 )控制并列小穗的基因定位在 5AL、4BL、6BS、7BL、7DL染色体臂上 ;
- Low level of PAPP-A was also associated with fetal chromosomal an... 结论:母体血清PAPP-A浓度可用来筛查胎儿染色体异常。
- Objective To study the genetic effect of balanced chromosomal translocation. 摘要目的研究染色体平衡易位的遗传效应。
- The stomatal size was positively related with the chromosomal ploidy. 气孔大小与染色体的倍性有一定的正相关关系。
- Telomeres are a special structure of chromosomal ends of somatic cells. 端粒是真核细胞染色体末端的特殊结构。
- Chromosomal translocation is a kind of common chromosomal abnormality. 染色体易位是常见的染色体结构异常。
- There was no difference between the expression of ESM-1 in normal renal tubule epithelia and in the cancer cells. ESM鄄1的表达在正常肾小管上皮细胞与肾癌细胞无显著差异;