- The Persian messenger: Choose your next words carefully, Leonidas. 小心你的下一句话,列奥尼达。
- I'm a little deaf, please articulate your words carefully. 我有些耳聋,请把话仔细地说清楚。
- Articulate your words carefully. 要用心地把话说清楚。
- The pupil articulated each word carefully. 这名学生小心地把每个词的音都发得很清楚。
- Andrew chose his words carefully. 安德鲁仔细地斟酌着字句。
- Sarah chose her words carefully. 萨拉措辞谨慎。
- He articulated each word carefully. 他把每个字都说得清清楚楚。
- Articulate your words carefully [clearly]. 要用心地 [清楚地] 把话 (一句一句) 说清楚。
- Pay attention to interpersonal relationships. Choose your words carefully in order to stay out of trouble. 年出生者:注意人际关系,言行上要多加留意,以免招祸。
- If you choose the words carefully when you are writing, you can end up with a well-written sentence. 当你写作时,如果能仔细选词的话,你就能写出好句子。
- However,if you would like to be honest but not hurtful,I recommend you choose your words carefully,perhaps by saying:"Hey,you look great. 然而,如果你想说实话但又不伤人,我建议你用词小心,或许可以说:“嘿,你看起来棒极了。
- But these men were a taciturn lot, picking their words carefully. 但是这些人都是沉默寡言的人,说起话来字斟句酌,非常谨慎。
- A drunk tried to start and argument with Mark, but a few well chosen words soon took the fight out of him. 一个醉汉试图同马克展开辨论,但马克几句措词恰当的话就很快把他说服了。
- Mel would sense the other choosing his words carefully. 梅尔觉察到对方措词非常谨慎。
- He spoke with rotund delivery. He chose his words carefully. 他演讲起来声音圆润,字斟句酌。
- She phrased her words carefully to avoid upsetting her friend. 为了不伤害到她的朋友她的说话措辞都很小心。
- May sat down, taking time to relax and frame her words carefully. 梅坐下来,用些时间放松了一下,并仔细琢磨该如何措辞。
- There is no need to seek carefully chosen words and phrases to catch the reader's eye. 无需用太讲究的措词来引起读信人的注意。
- He advised me to weigh my words carefully before making the complaint. 他劝我,在提出控告之前,要仔细考虑措辞。
- Aware that she was reaching rugged ground, Celia faced the audience squarely and chose words with care. 西莉亚知道她踏上了一段崎岖、险峻的山道。她正视着台下的听众,小心翼翼地选择着词句。