- Bestimmung des Gehaltes von Chlor und Brom. 英文名称: Erdoel und verwandte Produkte.
- This delay of dissolution and the dissolution speed depend upon the solution alkal... 溶解滞后和溶解速度与溶液的碱度有关,与树脂膜厚无关。
- Bayer would provide 90 percent of the capital and control that percentage of the joint venture, while Shanghai Chlor Alkali would hold a 10 percent stake, company officials said. 拜耳集团的官员表示,拜耳将向拜耳聚合物上海有限公司提供90%25的资金,并拥有相应的控制权,上海氯碱则拥有10%25的股份。
- OBJECTIVE Phyllanthus urinaria L.has many chemical constituents,such as flavonoids,lignans,alkal oids and so on.It has obvious effects on againsting the hepaitis B and little toxic to healthy. 叶下珠含黄酮类、木脂素类、生物碱类、鞣质等多种成分,具有明显的抗乙型肝炎病毒活性及对肝损伤的保护作用,且毒副作用低,是一种值得深入开发的抗乙肝药物。
- And chlor - alkali plant should produce cyclohexylamine by actual condition, using self - product superiority hydrogen, chlorine, soda caustic, is propitious to reduce cost and increase bennifit. 并提出氯碱厂应因地制宜,利用自产氢气、氯气、烧碱等原料的优势生产环已胺,有利于降低成本、增加效益。
- Saline alkal soil in northwest area 西北地区盐碱地
- alkal potassium persulphate oxidation 碱性过硫酸钾氧化
- chlor - alkali production facility 氯碱生产装置
- Chlor tetracycline Hydrochloride 盐酸金霉素
- chlor - alkal 氯碱
- A Study on the Activation of Fly Ash Exited by Alkal 碱对粉煤灰活性激发的研究
- Optimum production - arrange method for chlor - alkali enterprises 氯碱企业的优化排产方法
- Development of extra pure hydrogen gas in chlor -alkali enterprises 氯碱企业高纯氢气的开发
- Keywords epoxypropane;co oxidation;chlor alcoholization.; 环氧丙烷;共氧化法;氯醇化法;
- Application of vinyl glass fibre reinforced plastics in chlor - alkali industry 乙烯基玻璃钢在氯碱工业中的应用
- The selection of materials of equipment for chlor - alkali production 氯碱生产设备材料的选择
- Keywords chlorine liquid;submerged pump;dry air;chlor alkali industry; 液氯;液下泵;干燥空气;氯碱工业;
- Study on Bacterial Salt Tolerance and Enzymatic Characteristic in Saline Alkal Soil of Shaanxi, Ningxia and Inner Mongolia 黄河中上游半干旱区典型盐渍土中细菌耐盐性及产酶特性研究
- Facilities and Equipment The application of steam trap in chlor - alkali production 疏水阀在氯碱生产中的应用
- The Application and Treatment of Chlorine water from the Production of Chlor -alkali 氯碱厂废氯水的处理及利用