- chip extrusion and grinding 木片挤碾
- You must weld and grind this area before painting. 在油漆之前你必须把这个地方电焊修补、磨好。
- To bite and grind with the teeth; masticate. 咀嚼牙齿咬及嚼碎;咀嚼
- Can make coffee and grind coffeebean. 咖啡壶、磨豆机合二为一,
- Trim the upper cylinder with the extrusion and delete the extruded shape. 用拉升体修剪圆柱体,然后删除拉升体。
- Take millstones and grind flour;take off your veil. 要用3磨磨面,揭去帕子,脱去长衣,露腿趟河。
- To bite and grind with the teeth;masticate. 咀嚼牙齿咬及嚼碎;咀嚼
- My neighbour has this weird and wonderful machine that can peel potatoes, dice vegetables, make pastry and grind coffee. 我邻居有一台奇妙的机器,可以削土豆皮,把蔬菜切成小方块,制作油酥面团和磨咖啡。
- The stone was pecked and ground into cylindrical pestles. 石头被凿开并被磨成一根根圆柱形的杵。
- Shenyang Shengshi Abrasive And Grinding Tools Co., Ltd. 沈阳市盛世磨料磨具有限公司。
- The inside of the branch pipe needs welding and grinding. 支管内部需补焊打磨。
- Plastic molds: compression molds, extrusion and injection molds, etc. 塑料模具:压塑模具、挤塑与注塑模具等。
- She made smoothie by cutting up fruits and grinding them. 她切碎水果并将其粉碎来制作功能饮料。
- Rice starch was acetylated and cross-linked by extrusion and wet-method. 对比研究了挤压法和湿法制备乙酰化大米淀粉与交联大米淀粉的工艺与理化特性。
- To make a crushing and grinding motion with the teeth. 咀嚼用牙齿作咬破及嚼碎的动作
- The candidates bury in their books and grind for the public exam. 应试的学生埋首书本,为了公家考试而用功苦读。
- Such robots are useful in foundries that cut and grind components. 这样的机器人被用于铸造厂来切割和压碎原料。
- Some other materials are added to facilitate extrusion and other manufacturing operations. 添加其它的一些物质是为了使挤压和别的加工过程更为方便。
- The music is seductive, sexy and just right to bump and grind to. 这段音乐充满了诱惑、性感,只适合扭动地跳舞。
- Two common methods of manufacturing plastic articles are by extrusion and by injection moulding. 生产塑料制品的两种通用方法是挤出成型法和注射成型法。