- chinese tour and geography 中国旅游地理
- History and geography often overlap each other. 历史与地理往往有一部分相同。
- He cut short his tour and returned home. 他中断旅行,回家了。
- Touches the widest scope of people and geography? 涉及最广泛的人与地理范围明天你要采取怎样的行动?
- The climate and geography in nor... 就燥邪与女性更年期高血压关系做一探讨。
- James is conversant with chronometer and geography. 詹姆斯精通天文和地理.
- What is the starting time of that night tour and how long. 夜之旅从几点开始,时间是多久呢?
- To be favor on mountaineering, gym, tour and photography. 喜欢登山,健身,旅游,摄影。
- You can branch into the field of history and geography. 你还可以旁及历史,地理等学科。
- Like to play flute and harmonica, interested in tour and reading. 爱好长笛和口琴,喜欢读书和旅游。
- The package tour and chartered flights are not to be sneered at. 旅行社包办的旅游,包机航班决不会遭人耻笑。
- Visitors finish the tour and take group photo with the FEH. 结束参观并与奥比斯眼科飞机医院合影留念。
- But fandom does more than defeat distance and geography. 但迷恋足球不仅仅是不分距离和地理位置的。
- He has never regarded history and geography as minor subjects. 他从来不把历史、地理当副科。
- Popular with Chinese tour groups, this temple offers sweeping views of the Pearl River Delta. 很受中国旅游团的欢迎,从寺庙可看到连绵的珠江三角洲景观。
- So we really looked forward to this Chinese tour, and we feel so reinvigorated by the incredible response from our audience there ". 所以我们非常期待这次中国巡演,在看到那里的听众们的难以置信的反应我们受到了极大的鼓舞。”
- From Shenzhen, like to play cucurbit flute, interested in tour and swimming. 来自深圳,爱好葫芦丝演奏,喜欢旅游和游泳。
- A Chinese tour bus driver says: "They always ask, 'Where Chinatown?' But if the people go there, they will see they are being tricked. I just keep my mouth closed. 一位中国旅游团的巴士司机说:“游客老是问,中国城在哪里?但如果游客到了那,他们就会发现他们上当了。我对此只能保持沉默。
- It is unwonted famous scenic spot for tour and making holiday in the country. 是您商务活动、休闲度假的理想之处。
- Hu Wenkang: Senior Engineer, Xinjiang Institute of Zoology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumchi 830011. 胡文康:高级工程师,中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所,乌鲁木齐830011。