- Presents two common heat recovery methods for water cooling chillers.Recommends the control scheme by monitoring the return water temperature.Presents two design schemes for chilled water systems. 介绍了两种常见的水冷冷水机组热回收方式。推荐采用热水回水温度控制方案。介绍了冷水系统的两种设计方案。
- Presents two common heat recovery methods for water cooling chillers. Recommends the control scheme by monitoring the return water temperature. Presents two design schemes for chilled water systems. 摘要介绍了两种常见的水冷冷水机组热回收方式。推荐采用热水回水温度控制方案。介绍了冷水系统的两种设计方案。
- Installations with chill water cooling, needing constant air volume and dehumidification, traditionally use a draw through air handling unit with a cooling coil and a re-heat coil. 本研究是以开发一辆技术教育用弹珠式热空气引擎车为目标,学生可藉由制作此本研究所开发的模型车学习与热力学等有关知识与原理。
- chilled water cooler 冷水冷却器
- When chilled water is used to cool the mould, cycle time is related to wall thickness as follows. 在冰水冷却的条件下,冷却时间与壁厚有以下的关系。
- Don't forget to chug-a -lug at the water cooler! 所以不要忘记了在饮水机旁一饮而尽。
- Chilled water coil are controlled in much the same way as heating. 冷水盘管的控热和加热盘管的差不多相同。
- I blew in order to keep the water cool. 我吹气为了使水凉下来。
- Let the water cool before you drink it. 把开水晾一晾再喝。
- Immersion coolers with chilled water circulation are often used for churn milk. 带有冷水循环系统的浸泡冷却品经常可以用来搅拌牛乳。
- A trip back to the water cooler should illustrate my point nicely. 再次回到饮水机边上,可以更好地阐明我的观点。
- Dear S / M I have an urgent request for Water Cooler. 我们需要汽车冷却器,请联系我们。
- "Alternate systems of cooling use chilled water, with water cooled by a refrigerant at a central location and circulated by pumps to units with fans that circulate air locally. " 冷却的交替系统使用冷水,水由位在中央位置的致冷剂冷却,再泵送至各风扇装置,区域性地调节空气。
- The normal media are: steam, thermal oil, hot water and chill water. 常用介质有:水蒸汽、导热油、热水、冷却水等。
- The Wikinews: Water cooler is the place to discuss general Wikinews issues. Wikinews:茶馆是讨论常规的维基新闻问题的地方。
- Rise above the fray by avoiding the rumormongers at the water cooler. 超越竞争,避免造谣者在水冷却器。
- AHU coil design shall be based on 6.7 degrees centigrade chilled water supply temperature. 空气调节装置卷设计应该在6.;7摄氏度冷却水供应温度的基础上。
- The chilled water system consists of centrifugal chillers with water-cooled condensers. 冷冻水系统由离心式制冷机和水冷式冷凝器组成。
- Use , misuse, corrosion,or wear will not allow the stem to "blowout,: releasing pressurized hot or chilled water. 操作,误用,腐蚀或磨损都不会造成阀杆“吹出”,造成高压热水或冷凝水的泄露。
- Rats forced to swim in chilled water with no way to escape will normally become hopeless and float motionlessly. 大鼠被强迫在冰冷的水中游泳,而且没有办法逃避,这通常会使大鼠绝望并漂浮在水上不动。