- Results Child patients had the alleviation,the total effectiveness was 95.7%. 结果患儿症状均有所缓解;总有效率为95.;7%25。
- The doctors let the children patients slide around on the polished floor and listen to music on the ward radio. 医生们让小病人们在磨光的地板上四处滑动,听着从病房收音机里传来的音乐。
- For osteomalacia children patients, Zn in blood decreased in all patients while Zn in urine decreased for most of them. 少儿骨软化病人全血锌均下降,尿锌多下降。
- METHODS:The medical orders of 120 VSD children patients in our hospital in 2005 were analyzed retrospectively. 方法:对我院2005年120例VSD患儿的药疗医嘱进行回顾性分析。
- The model nurse Hallen was popular with children patients because she was patient and efficient, strict and kind. 模范护士海伦工作既讲效率又有耐心,严格却富有爱心,深受小病人们的喜爱。
- Methods 104 children patients who could not cooperate were given oral chloraldurat before IOL measuring. 方法给104例准备行人工晶状体测量的不合作患儿,口服水合氯醛,并观察其制动情况。
- The hematological manifestaions in 77 children patients with cytomegalovirus infection were analyzed retrospectively. 回顾性分析77例小儿巨细胞病毒感染血液学的临床表现。
- Methods 95 examples CVA child patients takes orally Bambec and to add with Xiao er Magan Keli. 方法95例CVA患儿口服帮备并加用小儿麻甘颗粒。
- The paper summarized experience of nursing 8 truncus artery child patients from April 2001 to May 2005. 总结2001年4月-2005年5月8例先天性心脏病永存动脉干术后患儿的监护经验。
- Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of Esmolol on children patients' tachycardia during the operation of cleft palate. 目的:观察艾司洛尔在小儿腭裂手术中出现心动过速时的治疗效果。
- Results:30 child patients wore the transparent pressure-swage space maintainer and there was no adverse reaction. 结果:30例患儿配戴透明压模式缺隙保持器后,无不良反应,保持效果肯定。
- Conclusion Topiramate is effective on treating the child patients with intractable epilepsy. 结论妥泰作为添加药用于治疗儿童难治性癫痫有效、安全。
- If many plasmodium appears in the blood of children patient, anaemic and OK special and serious, die even. 如果儿童患者的血液中出现大量的疟原虫,贫血可以非常严重,甚至死亡。
- Methods 30 postoperative children patients were divided into three groups, control group, fentanyl group, nursing care plus fentanyl group. 方法手术后的患儿30例,随机分为对照组、芬太尼镇痛组及护理干预+芬太尼镇痛3组。
- Objectives: To investigate the clinical characteristics, treatment and prognosis of children patients with hemophagocytic syndrome (HPS). 目的:探讨噬血细胞综合征患者的临床特点、治疗及预后。
- Objective To study the genetic susceptibility of HLA-A, B alleles in children patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). 目的研究北方汉族人群儿童急性淋巴细胞性白血病(ALL)患者与HLA-A,B等位基因多态性的遗传关联。
- Conclusion The hemodynamics changes in the intracranial vessel were observed in children patients with vascular magraine attack by TCD. 结论:儿童血管性头痛发作期存在血流动力学改变。
- The children are playing on the swings in the park. 孩子们在公园里荡秋千。
- Objective:To investigate the significance of early us e of glucocorticoid to prevent shock in burned child patients. 目的:观察糖皮质激素在小儿烧伤早期防治休克的意义。
- See at children patient, congenital kidney misshapes more and the kidney disease patient with slow progress. 多见于儿童患者、先天性肾畸形以及进展缓慢的肾疾病患者。