- An infant's repetition of the sounds made by others, a normal occurrence in childhood development. 幼儿学语婴儿重复别人发出的声音,是幼儿成长过程中的正常现象
- Johnson. J.E.,& Christie. J.F.,& Yawkey. T.D(1987). Play and Early Childhood Development. 郭静晃(译)。儿童游戏:游戏发展的理论与实务。台北市:扬智。
- James, E. Johnson;James, F. Christie;Thomas, D. Yaw Key.(2003).Play and Early Childhood Development. 吴幸玲;郭静晃(译)。儿童游戏:游戏发展的理论与实务。台北,扬智。
- Performative language education early childhood development is an important part of the goal. 表述行为培养是幼儿语言教育目标的重要组成部分。
- We need to prepare our children to read and succeed in school with improved Head Start and early childhood development programs. 我们需要让我们的孩子学会怎样读书,让他们在学校里以持续的领先和早期的孩童时期发展项目取得成功。
- One of the most amazing phases in childhood development is when infants go from making baby sounds to actually saying words. 童年发展最令人惊讶的时期之一就是当幼儿从发出婴儿的声音到实际的说话这一阶段。
- Edwards, S. (2005). Constructivism does not only happen in the individual: Sociacultural theory and early childhood education. Early Childhood Development and Care, 175(1),37-48. 余震球编译:《维果茨基教育论著选》,学前教学与发展,377-391;学龄期儿童的教学与发展问题,393-406。人民教育出版社,1994。
- Ms Maria Zhou, MA in Education with early childhood development preference, senior ECD consultant, currently Deputy Centre Director at Gymboree Beijing Lido Centre. 周苗,主讲人,教育学硕士,金宝贝丽都中心资深早教顾问,现任金宝贝丽都中心执行总监。
- As the Global Leader in Early Childhood Development, Gymboree cares for your children from birth through to early childhood, focusing on what is the best for kids. 作为全球早教权威,我们始终关爱每个新生宝宝的成长健康,并希望他们快乐地赢在起跑。
- New studies on early childhood development show that success in school strongly correlates to how often parents spend time on reading and language activities with their very young children -- including infants. 关于孩子早期发展的最新研究表明,学校教育成功与否,与父母花时间与他们的孩子(包括婴儿)做有关阅读和语言方面的训练的频繁程度密切相关。
- Early Childhood Development and Counseling 幼儿发展与辅导
- Early Childhood Development and Education 儿童早期发展教育
- Childhood is a period of rapid growth. 幼年是生长迅速的时期。
- I spent my early childhood in my hometown. 我在故乡度过了自己的孩提时代。
- I often recall my childhood which is dead and gone. 我常常回想起我那早已逝去的童年。
- The smell of the flowers calls up my childhood. 这些花香使我回忆起了我的孩提时代。
- Debt relief for childhood development; 为儿童发展减免债务;
- That old film evoked memories of my childhood. 那部旧影片唤起我对童年的回忆。
- I began to think back to my childhood. 我开始回想起我的童年。