- Laws against child abuse should be stiffened up. 反对虐儿童的法律应该严格执行。
- Reports of child abuse aroused public indignation. 有关摧残儿童的报导激起了公众的义愤。
- Child abuse is widespread in this country. 这个国家虐待孩子的情况很普遍。
- Substance abusing parents in the child welfare system 在儿童福利体系下滥用物质的父母
- I think that borders on child abuse. 我认为这有虐待儿童之嫌。
- She claimed to have been a victim of child abuse. 她声称自己曾是虐待儿童的受害者。
- Child abuse is a punishable offense. 虐待儿童是一种该受惩处的违法行为。
- Why not the child abuser, the drug pusher? 为什么不是虐待儿童的人?为什么不是毒品贩子?
- This move will undoubtedly raise people's concerns of black market QQ currency, and lead no shortage of parents to worry about children abusing the overdraw function to rack up massive bills. 此举无疑将人们加剧对Q币”黑市货币”的疑虑,不少家长也担心孩子滥用透支功能而收到巨额帐单。
- To stop corporal punishment and child abuse, we propose to adopt legal intervention and support to parents program. 要制止体罚和虐待儿童的情况发生,先以法律的方式介入,继而为家长提供支援,会是最有效防止悲剧重演的方法。
- Against Child Abuse urges parents not to abuse corporal punishment and calls for legislation banning the practice. 防止虐待儿童会呼吁家长不要滥施体罚,并促请立法禁止体罚儿童。
- Huck's life is changed by the sudden appearance of his shiftless father, "Pap", an abusive parent and drunkard. 作者又把黑奴吉姆塑造成一个品德高尚、富有人格尊严的正面人物,他虽然没有文化,有时候十分“愚昧”、迷信,但是勇敢坚强,忠诚老实,有自己的生活理想,不甘心当奴隶,敢于反抗奴役,追求自由。
- Bart! Most cases of DID are found in victims of child abuse. 巴特!大多数精神分裂者都是儿时受虐造成的。
- Child abuse or sexual abuse of children. 对幼小儿童的虐待或性虐待。
- The millionaire calls himself a self-made man,but if he gets arrested,he blames his abusive parents. 百万富翁总说他是白手起家,但当他受阻时,他总是抱怨他那该诅咒的父母。
- I recently read a newspaper article on the rampant spread of child abuse . 最近,我在报纸上读到一篇关于虐待儿童现象变得猖獗的文章。
- Many within China may also be shocked by the consequences of child abuse. 很多中国人也对调查的结果感到震惊。
- Violence toward a family member, including child abuse or wife beating. 对家庭成员施加的暴力,包括虐待儿童和殴打妻子。
- That child is a torment to his parents. 这孩子对他的父母是一种折磨。
- I am the firstborn child of my parents. 我是我父母的第一个孩子。