- child rs grave 童墓
- She is shouting her child rs name to look for him. 她呼喊者她的孩子的名字找他。
- She sorrowed over her beloved child rs death. 她痛失爱子。
- She raved about her child rs intelligence. 她一片痴心地谈她孩子如何聪明。
- The doctor saved the child rs life. 这位医生挽救了孩子的生命。
- A child rs ticket costs half the price. 儿童票是全票的半价。
- The child rs mouth watered for chocolate. 那孩子因想吃巧克力而淌口水。
- The insecticide was put out of the child rs reach. 杀虫剂放在孩子拿不到的地方。
- No teacher should stamp on a child rs idea without considering it. 老师不应该不加考虑就把孩子的想法压制下去。
- The mother wiped the rim of milk from the child rs lips. 母亲擦去孩子嘴唇上沾着的一圈奶。
- The doctor said the child rs temperature was normal. 医生说孩子体温正常。
- The child rs voice was so feeble that it is hardly audible. 这个小孩的声音细弱得叫人难以听见。
- The child rs answer was miles away from the subject. 这个孩子回答得离题十万八千里。
- The children rs behaviour is driving me to despair. 孩子们的举动让我沮丧。
- Children rs shouts of joy shook the classroom. 孩子们的欢呼声使教室都震动了。
- We are the biggest dealer of children rs clothes. 我们是最大的童装销售商。
- We could hear the children rs voices in the garden. 我们可以听到花园里孩子们的声音。
- We also have some children rs pictorial magazines. 我们还有些儿童画报。
- Where are your children rs clothes? 你们的童装在哪儿?
- Put the medicine beyond children rs reach. 把药放到孩子够不到的地方。