- To help the child develop curiosity. 四、帮助孩子发展好奇心。
- What gift would you give to help a child develop? 你会给儿童什么玩具以助其成长?
- Component A: Maternal Health and Child Development Component. 妇幼卫生子项目。
- Why child development is responsible for promoting gender equality? 在儿童发展中为什么应该促进性别平等?
- Berk, L.E. (1994). Child Development (3rd ed.). MA: Allyn & Bacon. 香港中文大学,卫生署及医管局(1994)。儿童生长调查。
- A developmental disorder in an embryo. 胚胎病胚胎发育的紊乱
- The use of animals has been central to the development of anaesthetics, vaccines and treatments for diabetes, cancer, development disorders. 动物的试验应用对于麻醉学的进步,疫苗的不断开发以及糖尿病、癌症、生长紊乱等疾病的诊治,一直起着十分重要的作用。
- child development disorder 儿童发育障碍
- Some children develop a sensitivity to cow's milk. 有的孩子对牛奶过敏。
- To help the child develop self-esteem and establish self-confidence. 二、帮助每个孩子发展自重与自信。
- Some children develop more slowly than others. 有的儿童比其他儿童发育得慢。
- The Child Development Centre, a part of the Dhaka Children's Hospital, is emerging at the forefront of research on neuro-developmental impairments such as autism, seizure disorders, and epilepsy. 达卡儿童医院的孩童发展中心,在神经发展发损伤研究,如自闭症、痉挛疾病、癫痫上,露出曙光。
- A child develops rapidly between the ages of 13 and 16. 孩子在13到16岁之间发育得很快。
- The child developed beautifully in her new kindergarten. 孩子在幼儿园完美地发育。
- The later chapters discuss the effects on the children development. 后面的章节会谈到对孩子成长造成的影响。
- Music also is used to help women in labor, people with mental health problems, and children and adults with autism and other developmental disorders. 音乐也被用于帮助正在分娩的妇女、精神健康有问题的人,以及患有自闭症和其他发育问题的孩子及成人。
- PubMed abstract: This study challenges the use of adult neuropsychological models for explaining developmental disorders of genetic origin. PubMed摘要:这份研究挑战了,使用成人神经心理学模型来解释遗传学起源的发展疾病。
- Child development depends on a number of factors ,both physical and psychological . 儿童的发展取决于很多因素,包括生理的和心理的。
- The team is also looking at how such" digit ratios" relate to other behavioural issues, such as technophobia, career paths and developmental disorders such as dyslexia. 该研究团队同时还研究了这样的”手指率“是如何与其他行为问题联系在一起的,比方说,科技恐惧症,职业道路选择,以及进展性疾病如阅读障碍等等。
- Providing training for parents on child development, non-violent discipline and problem-solving skills. 为父母提供有关儿童发育、非暴力管束和解决问题技能方面的培训。