- He was a child of the Renaissance. 他是文艺复兴时期的产物。
- A child of nature; a child of the Sixties. 作为自然产物的人; 六十年代的人
- Moses led the children of Israel out of the Egypt. 摩西率领以色列的子民离开了埃及。
- On his return, he called a meeting of the cadres. 回来之后,他召集了一次干部会议。
- He tried to cure his child of the habit. 他试着去矫正他孩子的那种习惯。
- She's the dominant child of the group. 她是这群孩子的孩子头。
- She's a real child of the(19)60's. 她是真正的(二十世纪)六十年代的产儿.
- Child of the wildness, born into the emptiness. 荒野的孩子,出生在空荡荡之中。
- Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain. (空地,床铺,大山的孩子。)
- Child of the wilderness, born into the emptiness. 荒野的孩子,出生在空荡荡之中。
- On his return,he called a meeting of the cadres. 他一回来就召集了一次干部会议。
- Evan was a child of the middle class. 依万出身于中产阶级。
- Element to the page as a child of the. 控件的子级添加到页。
- Zichang was only a child of the Tong. 心里只有子长的桐童了。
- Skips the children of the current node. 跳过当前节点的子级。
- We've grown into the children of the night. 我们已成长為暗夜的孩子。
- And the children of the captivity did so. 16被掳归回的人如此而行。
- Lamenting the dead children of the air. 哀悼苍天的那些夭逝的儿女!
- What affects it, affects me, for I am a child of the ghetto. 任何影响黑人区的事物都影响着我,因为我是黑人区的孩子。
- I am the firstborn child of my parents. 我是我父母的第一个孩子。