- A chief administrative officer, as of a Canadian province. 如加拿大省份的主要行政官员
- The President is the executive head while the Secretary-General is the chief administrative officer. 主席是行政首脑,秘书长是首席行政官。
- Terence Terry is Chief Administrative Officer of Travelport, formerly Cendant Travel Distribution Services. Terence Terry,Travelport(前身是胜腾旅游分销服务集团)首席行政官。
- Chen Yidan, is the Chief Administration Officer of the Company. 陈一丹,本公司首席行政官。
- The report provided less-favorable assessments of at least two of Mr.Pandit's lieutenants, Vice Chairman Lewis Kaden and Chief Administrative Officer Don Callahan, the people said.Mr. 知情人士说,报告对潘伟迪的至少两位助手给出不太有利的评价,分别是副董事长卡登(LewisKaden)和首席行政长卡拉汉(DonCallahan)。
- CAO --- chief administrative officer 首席行政官
- a general's adjutant; chief administrative officer. 一个将军的副官;主要的管理员。
- a chief administrative officer,as of a Canadian province 如加拿大省份的主要行政官员
- a noncommissioned officer serving as chief administrative officer of a headquarters unit of the army 军队司令部军士主要管理员
- a noncommissioned officer serving as chief administrative officer of a headquarters unit of the army. 军队司令部军士主要管理员。
- The chief administrative body of the church. 管区教会的主要管理区域
- The chief administrative official of a prison. 监狱长监狱的首要管理官员
- INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIBUNAL FOR THE FORMER YUGOSLAVIA (ICTY) Attn: Chief Administrative Officer The Hague, NETHERLANDS Fax 联合国法庭前南斯拉夫国际刑事法庭(前南问题国际法庭)
- The chief administrative subdivision of a department in France. 郡法国行政区的主要行政单位
- “We'll start 2006 hiring,” said Dave Goldfarb, Lehman's chief administrative officer, adding that the bank would hire “across all business segments and regions”. “2006年一开年,我们就开始招募人员,”雷曼兄弟首席行政官戴夫.戈德法布(DaveGoldfarb)表示。他还补充说,雷曼兄弟“所有业务部门和地区”都将新招员工。
- A chief administrative official of a department of France. 法国政府部门的首要行政官员
- Administrative Office of the Department. 行政部办公室
- chief administrative officer 行政首长
- An administrative office or district. 行政管理部门或地区
- Most will want approval of peers and administrative officers. 多数人致力于能得到高层人士和政府机关人员的赞助。