- The medical report will be submitted to our agency medical adviser. 该医疗报告会被呈交给我们机构的医疗顾问。
- Chief Medical Advisor 医药总顾问
- Jan Garavaglia, Orange-Osceola chief medical examiner, in a statement. 普鲁迪透露,截止到12日,迪斯尼方面还没有得到有关死者的更多信息,而死者迅速死亡的原因也尚不清楚,佛州有关部门会对这一事件做出调查。
- Sara Altshul O'Donnell, and the editors of Prevention Health Books ;edited by Sharon Faelten ;Adriane Fugh-Berman, medical adviser. 书名/作者 Women's choices in natural healing :drug-free remedies from the world of alternative medicine /by Barbara Loecher, ;
- As Chief Medical Examiner, Dr.Sheldon Hawkes feels perfectly at ease in a room filled with death.Raised in Harlem, Dr. 何士顿是鑑证科的主要法医,不贯与生人相处,反而喜欢留在验尸间与一室死尸默默相对。
- England's Chief Medical Officer Sir Liam Donaldson says this doesn't mean it's getting worse. 英国首席医疗官利亚姆.;唐纳森说这并不意味着局势变得更加严重。
- The Chief Medical Officer has compared the crisis in children’s diets to a health ‘time bomb’ which must be defused. 首席医学专家将孩子的饮食危机比作危害健康的“定时炸弹”,必须加以移除。
- Britain's chief medical officer was still denying any risk in 1993 as Alison Williams, the young Welsh woman, drifted into a stupor. 英国卫生部长在1993年还矢口否认艾丽森 - 威廉姆斯所面临的危险性,这位年轻的威尔士女人最后进入昏迷。
- Her longest service was 13 yrs as the Chief Medical Officer of North Finland, known as Lapland, an area of 100,000 square kilometers, above the artic circle. 她在北芬兰作为首席医疗官的13年长期服务,使她闻名于拉普兰岛,一个100000平方公里的美丽地区。
- But can the damage from smoking ever be completely undone?Norman Edelman, chief medical officer of the American Lung Association, explains. 但是来自香烟的危害可以彻底消失吗?美国肺脏协会首席医务官员诺曼埃德尔曼解释说.
- England's chief medical officer Professor Liam Donaldson said the true extent of the flu outbreak was not reflected in official figures. 英国卫生部部长兰姆.;多那尔森博士说,官方的统计数据未能反映出流感爆发的真实情况。
- Dr. Len Lichtenfeld is deputy chief medical officer for the American Cancer Society. You can iew the full blog by clicking here. L是美国癌症协会的首席执行官,你能点击这里浏览整个博客。
- Inhalation: Remove to fresh air, if symptoms continue seek medical advise. 立即移动到空气流通的地方,如果身体继续有症状反应,请立即联系医生。
- If the results are compelling, the insurer hopes to integrate the approach into its health plans, says Lonny Reisman, Aetna's chief medical officer. 参与者都配有电子医疗监视器,跟踪他们是否打开设备的药箱、是否服药。
- New York's chief medical examiner,Charles Hirsch,said police would manage the collection of personal items like toothbrushes and underwear to identify victims by their DNA. 纽约市验尸主任查尔斯-希尔施说,警方可以通过对黏附在遇难者生前用过的牙刷和内衣上DNA的检验来确认他们的身份。
- Gross, the son of a pediatrician, served as chief medical examiner for the state of Connecticut and later chief medical examiner for New York City, where he was fired in 1987. 作为一名儿科医生的儿子,格若斯曾是康州的总验尸官,后又成为纽约市的总验尸官但于1987年被解职。
- INHALATION Supply plenty of fresh air if you feel unwell , seek medical advise immediately. 吸入马上吸入充足的新鲜空气,如果任然感到不适,请立即联系医生。
- New York's chief medical examiner, Charles Hirsch, said police would manage the collection of personal items like toothbrushes and underwear to identify victims by their DNA. 纽约市验尸主任查尔斯-希尔施说,警方可以通过对黏附在遇难者生前用过的牙刷和内衣上DNA的检验来确认他们的身份。
- Norman Edelman, chief medical officer of the American Lung Association."They put nicotine front and center in smoking-related diseases, including lung cancer. 美国肺病协会首席医务官员诺曼.;艾德尔曼说,“人们通常将尼古丁与吸烟有关的疾病包括肺癌挂钩。”
- British scientists should be allowed to clone human embryos for use in a wider variety of medical research, the government's chief medical officer, Liam Donaldson, said Wednesday. 英国政府首席医学官员唐纳森周三表示,英国科学家应被获准复制人类胚胎以应用于更多种类的医学研究上。