- Mark outsmarted his opponent to win the chess championship. (马克智取对手,获得西洋棋赛冠军。)
- In late September, Indian Viswanathan Anand, 38, won four games and drew the rest to win the World Chess Championship held in Mexico City. 上个月底,三十八岁的印度西洋棋手维斯瓦纳坦.阿南德以赢四局、其他皆为平手的成绩,拿下在墨西哥市举行的全球西洋棋锦标赛的冠军。
- After a flurry of quick and dramatic moves that left chess analysts confused, Gary Kasparov shook hands with his clallenger today in a gesture of resignation that left his hold on the world chess championship hanging by a thread. 经过一番连棋评家都莫名其妙、快速而戏剧性的过招以后,卡斯帕罗夫今日无可奈何地与挑战者握手。此举令他棋坛霸主的地位岌岌可危。
- After a flurry of quick and dramatic moves that left chess analysts confused,Gary Kasparov shook hands with his clallenger today in a gesture of resignation that left his hold on the world chess championship hanging by a thread. 经过一番连棋评家都莫名其妙、快速而戏剧性的过招以后,卡斯帕罗夫今日无可奈何地与挑战者握手。此举令他棋坛霸主的地位岌岌可危。
- Fischer became an icon in 1972 when he dethroned the Soviet Union's Boris Spassky in a series of games in Reykjavik to claim America's first world chess championship in more than a century. 菲舍尔是一名极具个性的世界著名棋手。早在1972年,菲舍尔在冰岛首都雷克雅未克进行的世界棋王争霸战中击败斯帕斯基成为新的世界棋王。1975年,他因拒绝接受世界冠军候选人卡尔波夫的挑战而被国际棋联宣布废黜王位。
- LOTUS STEEL CUP the 14th Asian Chinese Chess Championship Men's group 年第14届亚洲象棋团体锦标赛男子组
- LOTUS STEEL CUP the 14th Asian Chinese Chess Championship Women's group 年第14届亚洲象棋锦标赛女子个人组
- You always get the better of me at chess. 你下国际象棋总是赢我。
- My win at chess raised my spirits a little. 我赢了这盘国际象棋才打起了一点精神。
- I've set my sights on winning the championship. 我下定决心要赢得冠军。
- Do you know all the possible moves in chess? 国际象棋的各种走法你都会吗?
- He always outfoxes his opponents at chess. 他下国际象棋总是胜人一筹。
- I'm not very fond of playing chess. 我不太喜欢下棋。
- Do you like to play chess [table tennis]? 你爱下棋[打乒乓球]吗?
- I like to play chess with my father. 我喜欢和爸爸一起下国际象棋。
- The championship will be held next week. 锦标赛将于下周举行。
- He will take part in a chess tournament next week. 下星期,他将要参加一场国际象棋比赛。
- Susan won the spelling championship. 苏珊在拼字比赛中得了第一名。
- He has been soundly defeated at chess. 他在国际象棋比赛中一败涂地。
- His championship of women's rights is well known. 他提倡女权是众所周知的。