- cherish your movingness 珍惜所有的感动
- Take each day and cherish your time together. 愿你们珍惜相守的每一天。
- It was great fun having you with us; I cherish your friendship. 与你在一起很愉快;我珍惜我们的友谊?
- Cherish your time in the day time, cherish your lamp at night. 昼坐惜阴,夜坐惜灯。
- You are my best friend. I really cherish your friendship. 你是我最好的朋友,我很珍惜这份友谊。
- You got to cherish your girlfriend if you really love her. 如果你真的爱你的女朋友的话,你要学会珍惜她。
- Itb was great fun having you with us; I cherish your friendship. (与你在一起很愉快;我珍惜我们的友谊。)
- Cherish your own emotions and never undervalue them. 珍视你自己的感情,切勿低估它的价值。
- I will cherish your chariness and consideration in my mind forever! 你的细心,你的体贴,我会永远珍藏在心中。
- It was great fun havings you with us; I cherish your friendship. (与你在一起很愉快;我珍惜我们的友谊。)
- Although there are many worldly worries, you must cherish your youth. 虽然有很多人间烦恼,你得珍惜青春。
- Green is the colour of life. Cherish your life as well as the green. 绿色和生命一样需要爱护。
- Always cherish your friends. Friends are what make life worth living. 总之,有争论一定要解决。一定要珍惜你的朋友。朋友是人生更有价值。
- You made me grown up and I will cherish your truehearted friendship for ever. 在这里,我得到了人生最珍贵的财富--学习的模范、成长的导师、真挚的朋友、宝贵的经验。
- It was gr Dating t fun having you with us; I cherish your friendship. (与你在一起很愉快;我珍惜我们的友谊。)
- "If you cherish your value of your own life, you will create something valuable for the world." Johann Goth said. 爱因斯坦说:"一个人的价值,应当看他贡献什么,而不是看他得到什么。"
- First, cherish your job. Appreciate it like a gift. It's your “bread and butter.” It's your opportunity to shine. 第一,要珍惜你的工作。像珍惜礼物一般珍视它。它是你的“饭碗”。它是你出人头地的机会。
- We treasure and cherish your each post and reply in the forum, and so please do not delete any unbendingly. 草堂珍惜各位的每一次发言,所以请不要轻易作删节。
- Zhao lived a long and useful life. He was happy and prosperous because he never killed anything. If you cherish life, you can cherish your own life. 赵过了长久而有意义的一生。他过着幸福的生活,而且子孙满堂,因为他没有杀生过。如果你珍爱其他生命,你才能真正珍爱自己的生命。
- In the morning it's best to rise early, at night you should go to bed late. Cherish your life time that is left, don't expect that older age will wait. 清晨要尽早起床,晚上要迟些才睡;人生的岁月有限,所以每一个人都要珍惜此时此刻。