- Dress code:20’s &30’s; Chinese costume, Cheongsam,Chi pao &classicwestem styles (Free admission for proper costume . 着装要求:古典、优雅的中式旗袍,长衫或怀旧西式服装(凡穿旗袍或旧上海风情中西服饰可免费入场)
- im expecting something more ...i was so disappointed to see them fit into this never ending cheong sam...kase ... 大意就是说我期待的更多,我对他们(中国人)永无休止的穿旗袍很失望,我更愿意看到她们穿唐代和汉代的服装。。。我真的不喜欢旗袍。。。
- Sam was so nervous today; he was all thumbs. 萨姆今天太紧张,做事笨手笨脚的。
- Sam and his wife busted up a year ago. 萨姆和他的妻子一年前就关系破裂了。
- I asked where Sam was, but she just shrugged. 我问她萨姆在哪儿,她只耸了耸肩。
- Sam flicked through a magazine while he waited. 萨姆一边等著一边翻阅杂志。
- He said (that) his friend's name was Sam. 他说他朋友的名字叫山姆。
- Old Sam is poor now, but he has known better days. 老山姆现在很潦倒,可他以前曾风光过。
- Old Sam is poor now, but he has seen better days. 老山姆现在很潦倒,可他以前曾风光过。
- "NYCE"gelato shop is a new member of Goodwell Sam Cheong Group of companies. "NYCE"意大利雪糕店是三昌集团多元化发展的新成员;
- Sam cast an eye of surprise at the group before him. 萨姆用惊奇的眼光注视面前的那群人。
- Sam was in the cold in the conversation. 在谈话中没人理会山姆。
- Sam lives at number 20 Park Street. 山姆住在派克街二十号。
- Sam is casing the joint now. He's going to give us a report soon. 萨姆现在正在侦察现场,他很快就会向我们报告情况的。
- Get Sam to write that editorial. He haw what it takes. 请萨姆写那篇社论好了,他能胜任。
- Miss Pao gave her a cuff, saying, "You! 鲍小姐打她一下道:“你!
- Tien Chi is a human nation of the ancient era. 天齐是一个古老的人类国家。
- Wen Hui Pao is now in a bad fix. 文汇报现在处在一个完全被动的地位。
- Snow fell to a depth of over three chi. 雪下了三尺多厚。
- They had a good laugh (ie were very amused) at Sam's expense. 他们嘲弄萨姆而乐不可支。