- Dow Chemical Hazard & Explosion Hazard Indices Evaluation Methods" (7th Edition) is used to evaluate the safety of underground LPG tank in LPG service station. 运用《道化学公司火灾、爆炸危险指数评价方法》(第7版)评价LPG加气站埋地LPG储罐的安全性。
- CHRIS = Chemical Hazard Response Information System 化学危险响应信息系统
- Societv for Chemical Hazard Communication 化学性危险交流协会
- Chemical Hazard Response Information System 化学威胁反应情报系统
- There are two factors about importing RBD palm oil , heavy metal pollution and chemical hazards. 进口棕榈液油危害物检验重点在一定时期内应放在重金属和化学毒物两个方面。
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. NIOSH pocket guide to chemical hazards and other databases[R]. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication NO. 2001-145. 朱素蓉;卢伟;薛寿征;等.;上海市工种暴露模式(1):化学性职业危害因素资料库的建立
- NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Guide 0454, http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npg/npgd0454.html (2002). 林秀芬:空气中氮氧化物与二氧化氮之个人浓度值调查:以台中县沙鹿地区为例,中国医药学院环境医学研究所硕士论文,台中(民90年)。
- The compliance rates, based on the catalog of occupational hazards, were 62.38% for physical hazards, 53.52% for the dusts and 89.81% for the chemical hazards. 按职业病危害因素性质分类,物理因素、粉尘、化学因素检测样品合格率分别为62.;38%25、53
- Chemical Hazard Communication and Material Safety Data Sheets 化学危害信息交
- One important source of information on chemical hazards are the material safety data sheets (MSDS) which are available on-line for a large number of compounds in the chemistry stockroom. 关于化学危险的一个重要的讯息源是 可提供对于在化学贮藏室方面的许多化合物在线的物质安全数据表(MSDS)。
- A reactor is a container for chemical reaction. 反应器是进行化学反应的容器。
- The chemical symbol for copper is "Cu". 铜的化学符号是Cu。
- Chemical Hazard and Innoxiousness Techniques of General Wastes in Laboratory 实验室常见有毒有害废液的危害及无害化处理
- We are doing a chemical experiment. 我们正在做化学实验。
- Proper labelling and provision of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are important for the control of chemical hazards and treatment of diseases caused by chemicals. 适当的标示及物质安全资料表(MSDS)是重要的工具去控制化学品所造成的危害及治疗因化学品暴露所造成的疾病。
- My major is the subject of chemical engineering. 我的专业是化学工程学。
- Ammonia is a chemical substance. 氨是种化学物质。
- A chemical derived from petroleum or natural gas. 石油化学制品从石油或天然气中提炼出的化学产品
- Beware how you handle the toxic chemical. 小心处理有毒的化学药品。