- This is most likely to happen to a checkpoint file. 检查点文件很可能出现这种情况。
- Specifies the name of the checkpoint file. 指定检查点文件的名称。
- A checkpoint file either could not be found or is damaged. 检查点文件可能找不到或被损坏。
- If the checkpoint file is not found, the package fails. 如果找不到检查点文件,则包失败。
- This is also mostly likely to happen to a checkpoint file. 检查点文件很可能也出现这种情况。
- You can, however, view the checkpoint file header while databases are mounted. 不过,在装入数据库时您可以查看检查点文件头。
- The checkpoint file tracks the transaction log entries that have been committed to the database. 检查点文件会跟踪已提交给数据库的事务日志条目。
- This checkpoint file tracks the transaction log entries that have been committed to the database. 此检查点文件将跟踪已提交给数据库的事务日志条目。
- Specifies that the checkpoint file is not used and that the package runs from the start of the package workflow. 指定不使用检查点文件,包从包工作流的起点开始运行。
- When the failed package is rerun, the checkpoint file is used to restart the package from the point of failure. 当重新运行失败的包时,可以使用检查点文件从失败点重新启动该包。
- Exchange updates the checkpoint file every thirty seconds, and its header is viewable except during the moment when an update is occurring. Exchange每隔三十秒更新一次检查点文件,除了在更新进行期间以外,其他时间都可以查看其文件头。
- Specifies that the checkpoint file is always used and that the package restarts from the point of the previous execution failure. 指定始终使用检查点文件,包从上一次执行失败的点重新启动。
- When the failed package is rerun, Integration Services uses a checkpoint file to determine the location from which to restart the package. 在重新运行失败的包时,Integration Services使用检查点文件来确定重新启动包的位置。
- When the failed package is rerun, the run-time engine uses the checkpoint file to restart the package from the point of failure. 重新运行失败的包时,运行时引擎将使用检查点文件,以便从失败点重新启动包。
- The crypto checkpoint files for the resource identified by the GUID. GUID标识的资源的加密检查点文件。
- Database Manager then requests that Log Manager update the local copy of the cluster hive, using the checkpoint file in the quorum resource. 然后,数据库管理器请求日志管理器使用仲裁资源中的检查点文件来更新群集配置单元的本地副本。
- If the checkpoint file exists, the package restarts from the point of the previous execution failure; otherwise, it runs from the start of the package workflow. 如果检查点文件存在,则包从上一次执行失败的点重新启动;如果检查点文件不存在,则包从包工作流的起点开始运行。
- If the package is restarted the package configurations are not reloaded, instead the package uses the configuration information written to the checkpoint file. 在重新启动包时,不会重新加载包配置,包使用写入检查点文件中的配置信息。
- The transaction log file path and checkpoint file path are specified on the storage group property page and are depended upon by all databases in that storage group. 事务日志文件路径和检查点文件路径在存储组属性页上指定,该存储组中的所有数据库都依赖于这些路径。
- The type of container that fails and the implementation of features such as transactions affect the restart point that is recorded in the checkpoint file. 失败的容器类型以及功能(例如事务)的实现都会影响在检查点文件中所记录的重新启动点。