- Let me just check the stock position. 我来查一下库存。
- Before he buys the stock he wants to check the lay of the land. 根据我家乡,土地的特点,我们种植了许多松树。
- Sunday is the best day to check the want ads. 星期天是在报纸上查寻招聘广告的最好的日子。
- The stock market trod water these days. 股市这几天停滞不前。
- Carefully check the car being scorched. 仔细检查过被烧焦了的汽车。
- Trading on the Stock Exchange was light today. 证券交易所今日交投平平。
- Let me check the stock room. 让我查一下储藏室。
- Prices fell on the stock market. 股市行情下跌。
- I'll have to check the entries in the ledger. 我得核对一下总帐的项目。
- He went aloft to check the sails. 他上去检查船帆。
- He took a beating in the stock market. 他在股市上遭受惨重的损失。
- Trading was brisk on the Stock Exchangetoday. 今日证券交易所交投活跃。
- The stock market crash did George in. 股票行情狂跌使乔治遭到破产。
- He cleaned up in the stock market last year. 去年他在股票市场大捞一笔。
- The stock market was on the brink of collapse. 股市已到崩盘的边缘。
- She's made a killing on the stock market. 她在股票市场上大发了一笔财。
- Please check the list carefully so as to avoid mistakes. 请仔细核对单子以避免发生错误。
- Storage is10% of value, so we scrapped the stock. 因仓储费是货物价值的10%, 所以我们就废弃了这批存货。
- The workings of the Stock Exchange are beyond most people's ken. 证券交易所的运作情况大多数人都不了解。
- His clever manipulation of the stock market make him lots of money. 他在股票交易中买卖精明,赚了很多钱。