- The Study on the Function of NBA Check and Balance Mechanism NBA制衡机制功能的研究
- What is check and balance system? 何谓牵制和协调制度?
- A Study on the Check and Balance Mechanism and the Jurisdiction of Lawsuit Result in the Lawsuit by Foreign Shareholders 国外股东代表诉讼中的制衡机制及诉讼结果归属研究
- check and balance mechanism 制衡机制
- Name one example of checks and balances. 说出一个权力互相制衡的例子。
- The checks and balances in the US system still work. 美国政治体系中的权力制衡仍在发挥作用。
- Skewness main rotor impeller mouth to check and balance end-plate and the balance of the friction ring surface. 转子偏斜度主要检查叶轮口部端面和平衡盘与平衡环的摩擦面。
- Dennis rebutted them by saying he had put in checks and balances. 丹尼斯反驳说他会检查和平衡的。
- At the same time, it categorizes the developing mechanism of China’s third sector into three sub-mechanisms: driving force mechanism, restriction mechanism and balance mechanism. 同时指出,中国第三部门的发展机制中包含三个子机制:动力机制、制约机制和均衡机制。
- Time to act when we have the chance, To check and balance both govt to see that they are working toward a true democratic and fair govt. 经过这次的选举我们可以清楚地看到许多无知和没有文化的巫统领袖一直在打扰人民的新生活。。
- Under market economy, how could it be possible to keep officials uncorrupted merely by means of self-discipline without check and balance of power? 在市场条件下,仅靠自律,不受制衡的权力怎能使官员不腐败?
- Is there segregation of duties to provide independent checks and balances? 有否将职务分工,以确保有独立的核对和制衡?
- The company father comes from separation of powers theory, purposing on the check and balance and achieve the goal of protecting companies, shareholders interests between right. 公司治理源于三权分立理论,目的是通过权利之间的制衡来达到保护公司、股东利益的目的。
- C.Nominated surveyors are at liberty to inspect goods any time the exporter & Importer desire to check and balance & noticed warranty fails and defect goods. 指定的检测机构有权随时对进出口方希望检测的货物,结算与担保书不符之处和有缺陷货物,并做出通知。(晕死了,全乱了)
- By means of the intervention of Tian and ghost, people's will puts a check and balance on monarchical power.In this way, Mohist tends to be people-oriented. 借助于“天鬼”的中介,实现了民意对于君权的制衡,墨子政治思想具有民本思想的倾向。
- On The Power Interact and Balance Mechanism 权力制衡机制思考
- Therefore,however hard the new president and DPP strive to consolidate their hard-won power,they will be subject to the strong check and balance from KMT and People First Party led by James Soong. 因此,不论他个人和民进党在主观意愿上如何希望巩固并扩大得来不易的权力,都将受到宋楚瑜领导的亲民党和国民党的有力制衡。
- Therefore,however hard the new president and DPP strive to consolidate their hard-won power,they will be subject to the strong check and balance from KMT and People First Partyled by James Soong. 因此,不论他个人和民进党在主观意愿上如何希望巩固并扩大得来不易的权力,都将受到宋楚瑜领导的亲民党和国民党的有力制衡。
- In the process of making China implement TBT, there are three games: the regulations of WTO and the profit of antidumping, domino effect and suing cost, and implementation and balancing mechanism. 在外国对华实施技术性贸易壁垒措施的过程中存在三类博弈,即WTO规则与反倾销收益、多米诺效应与起诉成本、实施与制衡机制。
- "Rotation of ruling parties is normal in democracy," said Lee Yuan-tseh,President of Academia Sinica,Taiwan. But I believe that,in reality,the essence of democracy lies in the check and balance of power. 中央研究院院长李远哲说:“政党轮替是民主政治的常态”,但笔者认为,对权力的监督和制衡,才是民主政治的精髓所在。