- chart for testing the eyesight 视力表
- Used for testing the evenness of sliver and roving. 用于检验条子及粗纱的条干均匀度。
- Used for testing the twist of roving. 用于测定粗纱的捻度。
- Used for testing the cotton fiber length. 用于测量棉纤维的长度。
- Used for testing the thickness of textile. 用于测定各类纺织品、纺织制品及非织造布的厚度。
- Used for testing the regain per-centage of raw cotton quickly. 用于快速测定原棉回潮率。
- He finally stroke out a new method for testing the purity of the water. 他终于想出测定水纯度的新方法。
- Used for testing the twist and twist irregularity of all kinds of yarns. 用于测定各种纱线的捻度及捻度不匀率。
- Six methods for testing the v iability of Hevea seeds were compared. 采用比较研究法,比较了6种方法测定橡胶树种子活力的准确度。
- Used for testing the flaming degree and speed of textile after being ignited. 用于测量易燃纺织品穿着时,一旦点燃后燃烧的剧烈程度和速度。
- Used for testing the twist and twist irregularity of all kinds of yarns . 用于测定各种纱线的捻度及捻度的不匀率。
- Mattel said it had improved procedures for testing the safety of its products. 美泰表示,该公司已经改进了产品安全检测程序。
- Comment=This is a generic test script engine for testing the script interface. 这是一个用于测试脚本接口的通用脚本测试引擎。
- The nurse took a sample of my blood for tests. 护士抽了我的血样去化验。
- We are testing the efficacy of a new drug. 我们正在测试新药的功效。
- Action Plan and Activity Chart for every week. 制定每周工作流程图。
- Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends. [谚]患难识知交。
- Used for testing the number of yarn in warp-wise or across warp of all kinds of fabrics in set length. 用于测定各种织物的经向或纬向一定长度内的纱线根数。
- Used for testing the fastness to dry or wet rubbing and the fastness to brushing of all kinds of colored textiles. 用于各类有色纺织品的耐干、湿摩擦色牢度,刷洗色牢度的试验。
- Shore C durometer use for testing the hardness of materials which includes vesicant Materials. C型邵氏橡胶硬度计适用于测定含有发泡剂制成的微孔材料的硬度。