- Bidding on the charity auction ends on April 6. 此次慈善拍卖将持续至4月6日。
- Lex: These are for a charity auction. 这些是为了慈善义卖的。
- She said she once sold bras to the highest bidder in a charity auction. 她说,她曾经在一家拍卖行将胸罩卖出了最高价。
- So here we are, holding an online GFC charity auction to help the needy. 所以,格友站这次就举办这个慈善拍卖,来帮助那些需要帮忙的人。
- Hundreds of China's celebrities attend a charity auction to benefit underprivileged mothers and their infants. 数百名中国名流参加一项慈善义卖,赞助弱势母亲及她们的幼儿.
- The charity auction was jointly sponsored by Yao Ming and Phoenix Suns star Steve Nash. 这场慈善拍卖由姚明和菲尼克斯太阳队的明星史蒂夫纳什联合发起。
- Chateau Angulus donated vintage 2003 of 18L for charity auction, only 5 bottles available in the world! 金钟庄捐出全球只有5瓶的18公升2003年正牌酒参与当晚的慈善拍卖。
- The Foundation in a Charity Auction Bought the Painting Titled "Respecting the Elderly" painted by Famous painters in Shanghai. 上海市慈善基金会副会长毛经权向建国基金会会长瞿建国颁发荣誉证书。
- Deep-pocketed bidders battled Tuesday to win a coveted meeting with former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, one of a constellation of stars on offer in a charity auction. 在本周二的一个慈善拍卖中,有钱人竞相出价,以赢得与前任美联储主席阿兰·格林斯潘等名人面对面的机会。
- ZOU Kai gold medal of the information made public auction, the Grand Hyatt Hotel in the East charity auction organized by the banquet, was an early seat booked. 邹凯金牌拍卖的消息对外公布后,这场在东方君悦酒店组织的拍卖慈善宴会,座位早早就被预定一空。
- It's Vladimir Putin and oil again, but this time the oil is on canvas. The Russian prime minister has painted a still life to be sold at a charity auction. 圣诞展销会是圣彼得堡市新年节日期间的大型活动之一,通常在展销会期间举行慈善活动,国内名人在活动中借助于专业画家的帮助作画。
- To get more people involved, Wang's organizing an online charity auction to sell off outfits from his concerts. He will use the money raised to plant trees. 为了让更多的人们加入,王力宏正在组织一个网上慈善义卖来廉价出售他音乐会的装备。他会把钱积攒起来植树。
- This afternoon, China's swimming and diving team Olympic star appeared in Shunde, by the "United States" organized group "of the United States Olympic Stars" charity auction. 今天下午,中国游泳队和跳水队的奥运明星亮相顺德,参加由“美的”集团主办的“美的奥运之星”慈善拍卖会。
- Teena Gilbert, co-organizer of the charity auction at the Tracy Village Social and Sports Club in the northern city of Darwin, said the A, 000 () prize was being donated by a legal practice. 此次慈善拍卖地点在澳洲北部城市达尔文的特蕾西乡村社交及运动俱乐部,组织者之一蒂娜-吉尔伯特称这一价值1000澳元(560美元)的奖品来自一家法律服务机构。
- It is reported that the national diving team, and his team will stay for three days in Shunde, and tonight they will take part in the Olympic charity auctions. 据悉,国家跳水队、游泳队一行将在顺德停留三天,他们今晚将参加奥运慈善拍卖活动。
- Proceeds from the concert will go to charity. 音乐会的收入将捐赠给慈善事业。
- He deceived them under the veil of charity. 他借慈善事业为名欺骗了他们。
- We will put the car up for auction. 我们将把这辆小车拍卖。
- The picture should fetch 2000 at auction. 这张画拍卖可得2000英镑。
- They are dependent on public charity. 他们依赖公众的赈济。