- All the fees are charged and managed by CREA. 所有费用,均由中国房协收取和管理。
- Design of Air-condition Cool Charging and Management System Based on Network 网络化空调冷量收费和管理系统的设计
- In receat years, with the developmellt of IC card technology, contactless IC cardlaPpeared and has been aPPlied to highWay charge and management, public ndc feecollection, automatic gate mangemen and material flow managemeni. 随着IC卡技术的发展,感应式非接触IC卡出现了。 近年来,人们已经成功地将非接触IC卡应用到高速公路收费管理,公交收费,自动门禁管理,物流管理中。
- The anchor chain took charge and ran out. 锚链失去控制而滑了出来。
- If labour and management don't reach an accommodation there will be a strike. 如果劳资双方达不成妥协,就会发生罢工。
- A compromise may break the deadlock between the union and management. 妥协也许能打破劳资双方所处的僵局。
- Responsible for contract renewal and management. 负责合同续签和管理工作。
- Today, and find out what you can do to take charge and manage your own body weight more effectively! 你便可发现该如何做来更加有效地掌管和管理你自己的体重!
- Storage and management of airline empty ULD. 提供航空公司集装板存储服务。
- Capabilities and management of volatile storage. 不稳定存储的功能和管理。
- Wildlife Conservation and Management MSc, Diploma. 野生动物保护及管理。
- Abstract: This subject designs the charging and hooding parts of JLY3809 kiln. 摘要: 本课题完成了JLY3809机立窑(加料及窑罩部件)设计。
- Emolument design and management tactics II. 薪酬设计与管理策略2。
- The diagnosis and management of chronic cough. 儿童慢性咳嗽诊断流程。
- Major Risks and Management Plan to Mitigate Risk. 主要的风险和降低风险的管理规划。
- Flight Data Acquisition and Management System. 飞行数据采集与管理系统。
- School operators must comply with the provisions of the ordinance and the Education Regulations covering areas such as registration of schools,teachers and managers,health and safety requirements,fees and charges and teacher qualifications. 办学机构必须遵守《教育条例》及《教育规例》中有关学校/教师/校董的注册、健康及安全、收费及师资等方面的规定。
- Management conlrtl and management economics II. 管理控制与管理经济学2。
- Miscellaneous bank charges and credits. 其他的银行手续费和银行贷项记录。
- Science of science and management of S. And T. 科学学与科学技术管理。