- The Bamboo and Wooden Slips Chinese Characters in Shang Dynasty 商代简牍文字刍议
- characters in Shang Dynasty 商代文字
- This hides the most peculiar one jade article in Shang dynasty old in the Palace Museum. 这是故宫旧藏商代玉器最为奇特的一件。
- China has several thousand years history of glass art.The earliest glass appeared in Shang Dynasty. 玻璃艺术在我国已经有了几千年的历史,早在商周时期就有玻璃出现。
- People in Shang Dynasty frequently prayed for rain, harvest and blessing, and sacrifice the mountain devoutly. 商人频繁地向山神求雨、求年成、求福佑,并虔诚地对山神行祭祀之礼。
- In Shang dynasty Shang and Bo were two cities and in the reign of King Shang Tang there were three Bo cities and Tang lived in the Eastern Bo. 汤有三亳 ,商初汤仍居东方之亳。
- So the discovery provides an important evidence for the theory of Zhengzhou being the capital of Bo in Shang dynasty again. 该发现为“郑亳说”提供了又一个重要的证据。
- But some similar recipe of fusible clay-plant ash mixture also played an important role in the invention of porcelain glaze in Shang dynasty. 但类似的易熔组分和添加草木灰又成为配制原始瓷铀的配方,从而过渡到原始瓷器的发明的一个重要因素。
- This paper mainly discusses the exploitation of the coppite in the middle reaches area of Yangtze River in Shang dynasty. 该文主要讨论商代长江中游地区铜矿的开发问题。
- Tangshan City was subordinate to Guzhu Country in Shang Dynasty, to Yandi in Warring States Period, and to Youzhou in Han Dynasty. 这里也是中国北方革命的发祥地之一,是革命先驱李大钊同志的故乡。
- The forth part mainly discusses the traffic system in Shang Dynasty such as thefortified point built along the road, the posthuose and the dak system. 四、探讨商代的交通制度,如最早的沿路设立的军事据点、旅舍和驿传制度。
- In ancient Chinese, we worshiped the "Shangdi".The data of Chinese Fortunetelling about "Shangdi" have been preserved in the Oracle Bones Inscriptions in Shang Dynasty. 摘要中国古代对于上帝的崇拜可说是源远流长,早在殷商时期的甲骨文中,就保留许多相关的贞卜资料。
- The characters in this novel are rather overdrawn. 这本小说中的人物描写得有些夸张。
- They are the two main characters in the play. 他们是该剧中的两个主角。
- All the characters in this book are imaginary. 这本书中的人物都是虚构的。
- There were much riot in the end of Shang dynasty. 对应商末以来大量旱灾、尘暴记载。
- All the places and characters in my novel are entirely fictitious. 我这篇小说中所有的地点和人物都是虚构的。
- I found it hard to identify with any of the characters in the film. 我对这部影片里的任何角色都难以认同。
- On the Range of News Spreading in Shang Dynasty 商代新闻传播范围初探
- the culture of Song State in Shang Dynasty 商宋文化