- The roots ?? of the characteristic equations are known as eigenvalues, or Characteristic Values. 特征方程之根??称为本征值或特征值。
- The application of computer in input,statistic,inquiry,output of hydrologic characteristic values was discussed. 针对水文特征值在输入、统计、查询、打印输出等,如何利用计算机统一协调管理进行了论述。
- The characteristic values are the filter's middle frequencies and their bandwidths. 滤波器有中间频率和带宽这两个特征值。
- The article describes determination of the characteristic values of impact energy and its use such as steel ductile-brittle transition. 摘要介绍了冲击能量特徵值的测定及其在钢的冷脆转变等方面的应用。
- The probability characteristic values for degree of consolidation for sand-drained ground are calculated by the method of Monte C arlo simulation. 利用蒙特卡罗模拟方法计算砂井地基固结度概率特征值。
- The characteristic values of measured echo signals are extracted by this method and evaluated by the separability criterion. 进而采用基于距离的类别可分性判据对提取结果进行了评价。
- Digital signal preprocessing methods and the characteristic values and quantitative interpretation of signals are introduced. 介绍数字信号的预处理方法、信号特征量和信号的定量解释方法。
- The characteristic values, which are the square roots of heat release rate and pressures on PDSC tests, can be correlated to burning rates of RDX-CMDB by using a liner equation. 在RDX-CMDB改性推进剂的PDSC试验中获得的放热速率特征量和压强的平方根与燃速能用一线性方程关联。
- In the higher sea states, most characteristic values are reduced slightly due to the hydroelasticity and the quais-static results are a little bit conservative. 在高海况时,水弹性会使响应特征值略微减小,准静态法结果偏于保守。
- The characteristic values of micro shear test and tensile test of aluminium alloy were determined and the quantitative expression of these characteristic values were studied. 通过测定铝合金微型剪切试验和拉伸试验的性能参数,研究得出了这些性能参数之间的数学关系式。
- The results also show that the characteristic values of filter cake obtained from the dynamic analysis can predict the performance of the filtration of the given slurries. 此外,模拟之结果也显示此动态分析法可对不同泥浆预测出其过滤行为之表现。
- Results:The characteristic value ratio of MFC therapy to MFSG therapy is 10. 结果:圆柱体磁场疗法与表面梯度磁场疗法特征参数之比为10。
- It aims to identify the characteristic value of aesthetically satisfying objects. 它的目的在于鉴别审美快感的物体所特有的价值。
- The smallest characteristic value corresponds to the lowest natural angular frequency. 最小的特征值相当于最低固有角频率。
- The model shows the determining mechanism of NUR and its practical meanings, relying on several characteristic values such as unemployment, wage and consult which workers pay attention to. 该模型以工人对失业、资和监督的重视程度等几个特征值为依托,显示了自然失业率的决定机制及实践含义。
- Expand matching entries with characteristic values identifying P2P protocols based on netfilter/iptables framework in Linux 2.4.20 kernel, and finally, configure the firewall filtering rules by iptables commands. 基于Linux2.;4
- For different amounts of equipment, characteristic values of the system such as warehouse leisure time, port leisure time, freight time, freight amount, warehouse utilization, port utilization, van utilization are got. 对不同的设备配置如仓库数、车辆数、泊位数进行了模拟试验,得出相对应的一些系统特征值,如仓库空闲时间、码头空闲时间、运货车次、运货量、仓库利用率、码头利用率、起重车利用率等。
- The frequency distribution of characteristic value of the male cones and pollen is abnomal. 杉木雄球花及花粉特征值频率分布为偏态分布。
- In this scheme, faults are diagnosed by studying the characteristic function of failures (CFF), which is the difference between the output characteristic values of the practical system and the reference model. 通过研究特征函数CFF,即实际系统与参考模型特征输出量的差,进行故障诊断。
- Before encoding, four characteristic values of each codeword are computed, and then four corresponding sorted codebooks are obtained according to the ascending order of the four characteristic values of codewords respectively. 在编码之前,首先计算各码字的四个特征值,然后根据各特征值的升序排列得到相应的四个排序码书。