- characteristic linear system 特者性系统
- The FBC is a non linear system which is chaotic. 流化床燃烧系统是一个具有混沌特性的非线性动力系统;
- With algebraic multi-grid method (AMG), linear system of equations are solved. 利用代数多重网格法求解了这个线性代数方程组。
- This paper introduces a criterion of linear system stability, which is de-rived from the relationship between matrix trace and matrix characteristic value,and the analysis of companion matrix. 通过矩阵迹和特征值的关系,以及对友矩阵特性的分析,本文导出一个线性系统稳定性的算法,它简单实用,收敛快,准确度高。
- Traditional PID control is designed according to the linear system theory, but AMB has the nonlinear characteristic, as a result, a rotor may not levitate efficiently far away from the balance point. 磁力轴承具有非线性,而传统PID控制器是按照线性化理论进行设计,不能有效控制转子的大范围起浮。
- Bilinear system(BLS) is a nonlinear system, but it is the simplest in form and most approximates the linear system. 双线性系统是形式上最简单,并且最接近于线性系统的一类非线性系统。
- We also discuss the solutions of the general m x n fuzzy linear system and inconsistent fuzzy linear system. 对一般的m×n模糊线性系统和不相容模糊线性系统也进行了研究。
- Robust stabilization of a class of linear system with nonlinear perturbation is discussed in this paper. 摘要主要讨论了一类非线性扰动不确定时滞系统的鲁棒镇定问题。
- COM]Linear Integrated Systems, Linear Systems, Semiconductor Mfr. 访问数/每百万人:Reach for [LINEARSYSTEMS.
- Wilkinson Iterative Refinement is an important method for solving ill-conditioned linear system Ax=y. Wilkinson迭代改善是解病态线性方程组,提高解的精度的一个重要方法。
- An explicit expression of the output amplitude gain (OAG) of the oscillator is obtained based on linear system theory. 基于线性系统理论,得到了系统输出幅度增益的精确表达式。
- From the linear system simulation, each building block is designed to acquire a compromise between versatile tradeoffs. 由线性系统模拟结果,在许多表现参数的取舍考量下,我们可得到各组成元件的设计参数。
- Based on the linear system theory of DEDS,this paper deals with theproblem of maximal machine utilization in FMS. 基于离散事件动态系统的线性系统理论,本文研究了FMS的最大机床利用率问题。
- Experiments show that zero error and linear system error exist when SAI is tested by the four-wheel aligners. 试验表明:四轮定位仪测量主销内倾存在零点误差和线性度系统误差。
- Undemanding to solve linear system of equations, making use of FFT, the approach is simple and efficient. 由于该方法不需求解线性方程组,可使用快速傅里叶变换,因此具有简单、快速的特点。
- A linear system (A,B,C)is called linear structured system if the entries of the matrix set (A,B,C) are either fixed zeros or independent fiee parameters. 线性结构系统,即(A,B,C)的元或为不变的零元或为可独立取值的未定元表示的系统,近些年来有了一定的进展。
- Enter linear systems of ODEs in a discipline-correct statespace notation. 使用与专业相称的状态空间符号输入 ODE 的线性方程组。
- Preconditioning;GAOR iterative method;GTOR iterative method;Weighted linear least squares problem;Linear system;Convergence. 预处理; GAOR方法; GTOR方法; 线性系统;最小二乘问题; 收敛速度.
- Abstract The phenomenon of stochastic resonance of an over-damped second-order linear system subject to dichotomic noise (DN) is investigated. 摘要 研究了二值噪声用下的二阶过阻尼线性系统的随机共振现象。
- To solve the problem,this paper presents a fixed stepwise regression modeling method for linear system with color noise. 针对这一问题,该文提出一种修正的逐步回归法,用于对有色噪声环境下的线性系统建模。