- We began this club as a way of raising money. 我们办这个俱乐部作为集资的一种途径。
- Cost of Raising Money or Opportunity Cost? 是筹资成本还是资金机会成本
- I'd like to hear your suggestions for ways of raising money. 关于筹集资金的办法,我想听听你的意见。
- channels of raising money 融资渠道
- We need to pursue the new ways of raising money for legal aid. 要缓解法律援助经费短缺的问题,需要开发新的法律援助经费筹集的新途径。
- Expectancies were adopted as a means of raising money or of securing support. 教会用这种预支来收敛钱财,换取保护。
- We shall have to find a new means of raising money,we've played out bazaas and whistdrives. 我们必须寻求新的筹款办法,对于巴扎和惠斯脱牌我们已玩够了。
- The Heartwood Foundation has been applying for grants in hopes of raising money to expand the school. 老师也提供卫生保健知识,特别是如何节育。
- A key advantage of raising money by borrowing versus issuing stock is that interest expense on debt is tax-deductible. 通过借款筹钱的主要优势是与发行股票相比,它的债务利息费用是可免税的。
- We debated therefore in full council what were the earliest methods of raising money, or, more properly speaking, what we could most conveniently sell. 我们大家协商最容易的筹款法子,换而言之,就是变卖什么东西最便当。
- He has secret channels of information. 他有秘密的消息来源。
- The upshot is, you can choose your pain: either the short, sharp pain of raising money, or the chronic ache of consulting. 结论就是,你要在两种痛苦中做个选择:短暂的锐痛式融资,还是慢痛式咨询公司。
- Tellingly, the Tories have only quietly opposed the idea of a transactions tax and have suggested other ways of raising money for an insurance fund. 很显然,保守党只是悄无声息的反对交易税,并且建议用其它方法来为保险基金筹钱。
- The channel of the river filled up with mud. 河道塞满了泥。
- They pooh-poohed our scheme for raising money. 他们对我们的筹款方案嗤之以鼻。
- A principal advantage of raising money by issuing bonds instead of stock is that interest payments are deductible in determining income subject to corporate income taxes. 通过发行债券而不是股票筹集资金的最大好处是,在确定公司的应税所得时,先减除利息费用。
- In recent weeks, Mr Nichols has opened his sanctuary to paying customers, mainly in the hope of raising money for his expanding operation, which also includes a 24-hour helpline for worried owners. 最近几个星期,尼科尔斯先生把他的保护区向公众开放,收取门票,主要是希望能够为他不断扩大的业务筹集资金。他还向遇到困难的主人们提供24小时热线电话服务。
- All channels of communication need to be kept open. 所有沟通管道都得保持畅通无阻。
- For example, there is no cost-benefit analysis in the argument, if the increase of the cost overweighs that of benefits, that company might find itself losing money instead of raising money. 趁着全党、全国深入学习实践科学发展观的大好时机,我们学生干部也要积极参与其中,在某种程度上,这也是个人能力水平的一个侧面反映。
- The red, green, and blue channels of a buffer. 缓冲区的红色、绿色和蓝色通道。