- Tadpole lamps, inspired by the cute wiggly creatures can be played around with to change the look of the place. 造形可爱酷似小蝌蚪的蝌蚪灯可以改变居室的视觉效果。
- Tadpole lamp, inspired by the cute wiggly creatures can be played around with to change the look of the place. 造形可爱酷似小蝌蚪的蝌蚪灯可以改变居室的视觉效果。
- One mesa can be done in the place that change the clothes or had better hang so set adornment bag to wait, find a place for with convenient host a few vade mecum are tasted. 所以最好能在换衣处做一台面或挂设装饰袋等,以方便主人安置一些随身物品。
- The place used to be a stretch of barren land. 早先这里是一片不毛之地。
- The place is known for its handicraft products. 这地方因出手工艺品而出名。
- The place has a fine view of the lake. 从那个地方可看到湖泊的美丽景色。
- The place was fixed upon as exhibition grounds. 这个地方已被选定作为展览场所。
- We will have to change the bulb; it's gone. 电灯泡爆了,我们需要换一个。
- I shall be delighted to show you around the place. 我很高兴领你到处转转。
- I'll need a spanner to change the back wheel. 我需要一把扳手来换後轮。
- She's left her books all over the place. 她把书到处乱放。
- Let me change the dollar bill for coins. 让我把这张一元的纸钞换成硬币。
- I don't belong in the place like this. 待在像这样的地方不合我的身份。
- The place is marked on the map with a crossing. 那个地方在地图上以十字形记号标出。
- The sitcom turns serious when a local mobster wants to change the place into a gambling den -- leading to a satisfying finale where hearsayers turn into heroes to save their neighborhood. 三言两语,道出人情冷暖,有道是:言为心声。不管是粤剧艺员、暴发户、黑社会人物或司机,他们说的话是嬉笑怒骂或冷嘲热讽也好,都足以反映出现实社会人情百态之一斑。
- She's somewhere about the place. 她就在附近。
- The place is suitable for a picnic. 这地方适合于野餐。
- In August the place is lousy with tourists. 八月里这地方游客多如牛毛。
- He has some abstract notion of wanting to change the world. 他有一种要改造世界的空想。
- The place becomes a hell on earth. 那儿成了人间地狱。