- With the model, the seepage change law of CFRD under this extreme condition is also studied through an illustration. 通过实例分析,还获得了在面板发生极端破坏情况下而板堆石坝的渗流变化规律。
- The party with the most seats (or representatives) forms the government and has the power to make &change laws. 当一个政党得到最多选举代表而组成政府和有权力决策及更改法律。
- The change laws of pore size, water flux and retentivity of the membrane with pres-sure are investigated. 论述了不同配方铸膜液制成的膜,其孔径、水通量和截留率随操作压力的变化规律。
- The test result of change laws of weight indicates that, to the ordinary concrete under sulfate attack, the rate of change is quickly. 各种混凝土的质量变化规律表明,对于普通混凝土,其受到侵蚀后质量变化幅度较大,前期增长快,后期衰减也快,但在试验周期内较初始质量没有损失;
- Based on an investigation of the process of freight transport in China railway, this paper analyzes the change laws of forwarding times of freights. 货物送达时间是评价运输方式竞争力的一个重要指标,科学地估计货物送达时间是制定运输组织方案和制定运输合同的依据。
- In this paper, the successive acidity change law of halogen acid is entirely analyzed by macroscopical thermodynamics and microcosmic structure analysis methods. 用宏观的热力学方法和微观的结构分析法全面分析氢卤酸酸性的客观递变规律。
- The change laws of shear and volumetric moduli of standard sand tests with the direction of stress path are found to be similar with the reported test results of Bothkennar clay. 由试验曲线整理得到的剪切模量和体积模量随应力路径变化规律与已有的Bothkennar黏土试验结果类似。
- Change law of friction polymer in running diesel engine lubricating oil was studied by using Fe spectrum analysis technology. 运用铁谱分析技术,研究在用柴油机润滑油中摩擦聚合物的变化规律。
- The result of check demonstrate that the model simulated error of evaporation time-space change law is fewer, it have stronger adaptation hi big scope. 检验结果表明,该模型对水面蒸发时空变化规律的模拟误差较小,在大范围上具有较强的适应性。
- The change law of organic loading in the course of high strength organic wastewater treatment by expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) was studied. 研究了厌氧颗粒污泥膨胀床(EGSB)反应器处理高浓度有机废水过程中的有机负荷变化规律。
- Based on the character of high liquid limit soil improved by CON-AID stabilizing agent, the physical and mechanical properties and the strength change laws are studied. 针对高液限土的特点,采用掺入康耐土壤稳定剂,研究其物理力学性质和强度变化规律。
- The change laws and influential factors of the minimum spouting velocity of a rectangular spouted bed with double nozzles were studied with air as spouting medium. 在双喷嘴矩形喷动床内,以空气为喷动气体,研究了最小喷动速度的变化规律和影响因素。
- Objective:Studies on change laws of immunology of mice vaccinated with DNA vaccines to provide scientific basis for spread applied of CSFV DNA vaccines . 目的:探讨猪瘟基因疫苗免疫小鼠后机体产生体液和细胞免疫发生规律,为猪瘟基因疫苗推广应用提供科学依据。
- The guarantee-purpose safety cost,the cost of safety failure and the total cost in safety as the change law of the guaranteed safety level in the article have also heen analysed. 建立了建设项目安全成本的指标体系;分析了保证性安全成本、损失性安全成本及安全总成本随着安全保证度的变化规律;提出了建设项目安全保证度的概念;进而构建了建设项目安全成本率分析模型.
- The hydrological regime change law is proposed by the analysis of discharge-stage relations of main hydrologic stations in Dongting Lake area in this paper. 通过对湖区主要水文控制站的水位流量关系的分析,得到了近四十年来水情变化的一些规律,供有关部门参考。
- The change law of NH + 4 influence in the first and second stage reaction process of potassium sulfate production by conversion method is studied in this paper. 文章中采用正交实验设计的方法,研究了在磷石膏转化法制硫酸钾第一、二阶段反应过程中的NH+4影响变化规律。
- Aimed at the gas gush change law of every construction craft in the blasting driving face,the appropriate measure is adopted for gas comprehensive management. 针对炮掘工作面各施工工艺瓦斯涌出的变化规律,采取了相应的应对措施进行综合治理,取得了良好的效果,为掘进面的安全掘进提供了有力支撑。
- By analysis of the whole process of mechanism motion general equation of the dynamics, the change law of the acceleration and impulsive force of the punch pin isg iven out. 通过对机构运动全过程的分析,结合动力学普遍方程,给出了冲头加速度及冲力的变化规律。
- In this paper, the twisting point, twisting region, Bain of the real twist and the change law of the sliver twist in the flyer twisting process of the cotton spinning are studied. 对棉纺翼锭加捻过程中的加捻点、加捻区、纱条真捻的获得及捻度的变化规律等问题进行了理论探讨和实验研究,证实该加捻过程唯一的真实加捡点为锭翼侧孔。
- Based on the model of the inverse solution, the paper simulates the movement of the hexapod, analyses change law on the velocity and acceleration of the moveable platform. 基于逆解数学模型,进行了运动学数值计算仿真分析,得出了位移、速度变化规律;