- Tailor's chalk : may be made of wax or stone. 裁缝用画粉:画粉可能是由蜡或石头制成。
- A stone hit the car and damaged the paintwork. 有个石子击到汽车上,打坏了漆面。
- Shaking will settle the chalk powder down. 晃一晃把粉笔末抖落下来。
- The teacher wrote on the blackboard with a piece of chalk. 老师用一支粉笔在黑板上写字。
- I stubbed my toe on the stone: it was very painful. 我把脚踢到了石头上,疼极了。
- Some of that chalk has rubbed off on your coat. 你的上衣沾上了些粉笔末。
- The nurse tell the child to spit out the stone. 褓姆叫孩子把果核吐出来。
- Dust yourself down you're covered in chalk. 把你自己身上掸掸--上面都是粉笔末。
- The stone made a dent in the roof of my car. 我的汽车顶让石头砸了个坑。
- We're not beaten yet, (not) by a long chalk. 我们还没有败,远远没败。
- Countless washer women have rubbed the stone away. 无数洗衣者的搓洗将那块石头磨掉了。
- The teacher's chalk grated on the blackboard. 老师的粉笔在黑板上发出刺耳的摩擦声。
- The top of the table was formed by a stone slab. 桌面是一块石板。
- Such a young child does not know chalk from cheese. 这样年幼的孩子是不辨是非的。
- He crushed a piece of chalk to powder. 他将一支粉笔压成粉末。
- They will chalk up your good points. 他们会记下你的优点。
- He's a rolling stone and got no where all his life. 他见异思迁,毕生一事无成。
- Tut! I've got some chalk on my coat. 啧!我外套上弄上一些粉笔灰了。
- A stone wall surrounds the palace. 一道石墙围绕着宫殿。
- Chalk this round up to me, please, barman. 服务员,请把这些人的费用记在我的帐上。