- chain code generator 链锁编码发生器
- The code generator produces code for the object. 代码生成器生成对象的代码。
- Method to write code for the code generator. 方法为代码生成器编写代码。
- XMDS is a code generator that integrates equations. XMDS是一个集成了方程式的代码生成器。
- Defines the languages supported by the code generator. 定义代码生成器支持的语言。
- The code generator does not produce code for the object. 代码生成器不生成对象的代码。
- Represents a set of options used by a code generator. 表示代码生成器使用的一组选项。
- Different recognition methods, such as the improved Freeman Chain Code, are used for different types of line. 对不同类型的线条应用不同的识别方法,特别是将改进的Freeman链码应用到复合线条的分割。
- Error: No code generated for this line. 说明:该行无代码产生。
- Using a set of rules to drive the matrix, the process for constructing the chain code is algebraically implemen... 采用一组规则驱动该矩降,能够使转换过程用代数方法实现。
- Click the Code Generation property page. 单击“代码生成”属性页。
- The hash code generated at run time. 运行时生成的哈希代码。
- If you expect a lot of volatility, a code generator can be a good investment. 如果你认为会有很多可变因素,代码生成器就是一项好的投资。
- A new chain code for edge description is also proposed, whose average chain code length is about 20% less than that of Freeman chain code. 此外,本文还提出一种新的边沿描述基段链码,其平均长度比Freeman链码短20%25。
- LU Guangquan,XU Hongguo,LI Yibing. Line Segement Detection Based on Chain Code Detection, COMPUTER ENGINEERING. 2006 July,Vol.32,No14:pp1-3,10. 112鲁光泉;许洪国;李一兵.;基于链码检测德直线段检测方法
- Finally, the target configuration is adjusted with mathematics morphology filtering and the boundary chain code is generated for reconstruction and query. 最后,采用数学形态滤波的方法实现对目标形态的调整,并生成边界链码以便重建和查询。
- An algorithm is presented for converting the linear quadtree representation of a simply connected region into a 4-direction chain code description of the region's boundary. 本文提出一种算法实现单连通区域的线性四元树表示转换成区域边界的4-方向链码描述。
- Of the control used by code generation to declare the control. 代码生成器用于声明控件的控件。
- According to definition and some characters of vertex chain code, transformation between vertex chain code and alterable included angle chain is discussed. 本文还从顶点链码的定义及性质出发,讨论了可变夹角链码和顶点链码的相互转换问题。
- These features are known as Automatic Code Generation features. 这些功能称为自动代码生成功能。